Proper name for the threaded part of the barrel-

Dusty Stevens

Hollow Point Dispenser
Is TENON not tendon. A tendon attaches muscle to bone. Ive just heard it at least 10 times this week and also just seen it in print so I just had to rant. Carry on.
TENON-(n), the projecting member of a piece of material for insertion into a opening in a receiving body.....(if I continue CCBW will pull my membership in this exhaulted institution)
Is TENON not tendon. A tendon attaches muscle to bone. Ive just heard it at least 10 times this week and also just seen it in print so I just had to rant. Carry on.

Yeah and how often do we see the wrong, there/their, brake/break, to/too, etc.
If you are doing your posting with a smart phone, most times these smart phones don't recognize our rhetoric and corrects it to what some progrmer thinks we were supposed to type. I've had that happen to me multiple times. Don't realized it "corrected" it until it posts.
Pet peeve: presume/assume Most of the time "presume" is correct. A losing battle... ;-)
2 Pet peeves

VARMINT: I'm not Snuffy Smith & I don't shoot a Varmit rifle, but I have some trophies that say, "Light Varmit"!

Powder MEASURE: it's not a powder thrower or a powder dump.
Come on Mike you think teen aggs come from just haphazardly slingin powder? Years of throwing and a good jones measure and youd be surprised at what we actually throw. Hint: its alot better than the tests ive seen around the net i can assure you.
Paul Revere, revered by Paul
There, their, they're
Hugh, hue, hew
Yew, you, ewe
Cut the tree down, cut the tree up
Jumbo shrimp
Weigh, way, whey
Throw, dump, win
Obama care
It works is the main reason. Not gonna go into a powder measure thread here just look on the loading tables at major matches
Is there any good reason to think a Jones measure is any better than the other "click-type" measures?

One thing that I think helps considerably when using a Culver type measure in day-long matches is the installation of a baffle. Both my Jones measures are of the Lyman conversion type and I have Wally Hart pill bottle adapters in them and those type adapters have built-in baffles.

Cylinder-to-body fit is important too. This has considerable effect on the cutting problem. i.e. If the clearance between the measurers cylinder and its body is overly loose the kernels will show greater resistance when being cut.

IMO the old Belding & Mull measures were the most consistently repeatable volumetric measures, but try to find one now. The installation of a baffle in a Culver type measure creates a similar two-part compartment.

Edit--haven't some of us considerably sidetracked this thread?
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