

New member
What? Are we where we were at a few years ago regards primers. I went to order my CCI BR2's and everyone's sold out. Not just my primers, but all large rifle, small rifle, and small pistol primers. Can't even back order. Seems Wolf primers are no more.

Hope that this is temporary.

Looks like it....I checked around internet a couple months ago.......all gone....
Last time, I got primers were from an estate of a shooting buddy that had passed.....
I learned from the last 2 shortages...........Stock up.....

I had heard that primers were in short supply. So looked on Gunbroker a few weeks ago. When I took this screenshot the auction still had another day or so to go. The guy selling them put them on at a reasonable price at $19.99. Who’d have thought that they’d be bid up to over a dollars a primer.

View attachment 23987

I had heard that primers were in short supply. So looked on Gunbroker a few weeks ago. When I took this screenshot the auction still had another day or so to go. The guy selling them put them on at a reasonable price at $19.99. Who’d have thought that they’d be bid up to over a dollars a primer.

I guess. Many of us humans have forgotten the old farmers way, make hay while the sun shines and fill the larder and wood shed, cause the good times won't last, winter is coming. Or, the lessons of squirrels, that "squirrel" away a supply for the lean times. Seems much of life is buy it when you need it because it will be there in the supply chain when you do. Don't overstock because that costs $$. Well, it also costs grief and aggravation when you can't get the things you need to live or recreate. Lesson learned???
You are right Gary. I buy when I find a good deal. It doesn't matter if you need it at the time. These shortages happen from time to time and I don't sweat it. Am I a hoarder, I think not, I just have plenty for my own use.