Primers for practice


New member
With the ammo situation we have now, I find it hard to get a hold of Fed 205 primers(have a bunch back ordered, but who knows when they will be in). I have a bunch of CCI and Magtech primers I was thinking of using these for practice and save my 205s for matches. Just wondering if anyone has used these and how they work. (I shoot 6ppcs with N133)
Jon K

If you can make the Rifle shoot at the same level as with the federals, then why not.

But, in my opinion, practicing with sub standard equipment is not that productive. Sitting down with a Rifle that is locked into a .300 agg capability is not going to do you any good, aside freom hearing a loud "bang".........jackie
depends on your objective

Jon, If the objective of the practice is to work on bench issues, or something with the gun NOT involving accuracy then MAYBE this would work out for you .... but for me at least I want to practice for a match with exactly the same components that I plan on shooting.

I guess if I tried the other primers and got the very same results with the Federals then I would probably refine my position above. Guess it would be pretty easy to load 15 of each set of primers and then go to the range and do a test firing of five with all six sets (3 sets of federal and the 3 set of a single other option) and see if there was any difference.
One problem that I see with typical primer tests is that they fail to adjust the amount of powder so that it is optimal for each primer. I know that the usual thought is to hold everything else constant and just change one thing, but since different primers will yield different velocities with the same amount of powder, and there is some thought that tune is velocity specific, it might be better to work up loads from scratch using each primer to see what is attainable, and then compare results. Of course, a chronograph would come in handy as a tuning aid in this situation, allowing one to quickly adjust powder charges to achieve the same velocity with different primers.
Thanks for the advice

I think Ill try a group or two with these other primers, and see what happens.
I guess Im kind of scared I am going to run out of good primers before a match, and have to shoot these sub-match standard primers.
Jon K
Jon ...

In The Benchrest Shooting Primer on pages 131 through 135 there is an article called Primer Tests. Twelve different small rifle primers were tested. They were:
1. Federal 200
2. Federal 205
3. Federal 205M
4. Remington 7 1/2
5. Winchester WSR
6. Fiocchi SR
7. CCI 400
8. CCI 450
9. CCI BR-4
10 RWS 4033 196?
11. RWS 4033 1972
12. RWS 4033 1981

The BOTTOM LINE: The best primer types in order of uniformity were:
1. CCI BR-4, 2. Federal 205M, 3. Fiocchi SR, 4. Remington 7 1/2

Why did the Federal's become the De facto primer of choice? Probably because of the same reason the VHS beat out the superior Sony Beta format and the same reason the PC beat out the superior Macintosh computer: PRICE. No one wanted or had the money to pay the added premium the manufacturer wanted. The CCI BR-4's have always had a premium attached to them.

I'd say go practice with whatever you have. I don't think there is a need to reserve all your shooting to matches only. What happens when you run out of the Federals? Do you quit shooting because the hoarders put you and a lot of others in the current predicament? I don't think so. Remember what Vic Smith said in his thread. He didn't do well the first day because of his wind reading skill in heavy winds yet he bounced back and won on Sunday when the winds subsided. I bet I know what kind of conditions Vic is going to be looking for the next time he heads for the range. I'd work on the FUNDAMENTALS with whatever primers you have.
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Well I tried some

Magtech and CCI primers. The Magtechs shot surprisingly well and pretty close to how the 205s shoot(must be pretty close velosity and pressure),however the CCIs shotguned(must be a lot different velocity and pressure). I am pretty sure I could make the CCIs shoot if I worked up the load from scratch, but Im going to stick with the Magtechs since I have about 1200 of them. I feel a little better now knowing I dont have to burn my good primers, not knowing when I will get more.
I used to shot the Federal match until a period a few years ago where it was hard to find any Federal primers so I decided to go with the CCI BR-4's. I have to say I have been very pleased with the BR-4's and I am sure if you experiment some, you will find a good load for your rifle. Currently I shoot 68 gr. Bart's ultra with 28.5 gr. N133 out of a Borden PPC and have very good results (1's common).

By the way, just contact my friend who is an exec at a ammo manufacture and he is telling me primers for reloaders are not expected to be out in the market until late this year, probable next year due to the overwhelming demand for ammo. Looks like you may have to use that CCI eventually like it or not.. Good luck!
Thank you guys for all the help

The way it sounds maybe I should be happy to have anything that goes bang, but if I happen upon any I will post it here.
I use CCIs at the line. just don't mix 2 brands in one group. at the last match at rachels glen I got 5th in the 4 gun and won one match. I wish I could say the primers held me back but I got a lot more issues holding me back;)