Primer pocket prep and cleaning


New member
What primer pocket tools do you guys use for primer pocket prep and cleaning? Do you do anything with the primer pockets on new brass? What is your typical cleaning method on the primer pockets of fired cases? Do you clean after every firing?
I Debur the flash holes and uniform them with a sinclair tool. Then Fireform before I uniform the primer pockets. You will get better results that way.And clean every time after that with the uniformer.

Joe Salt
I use the Sinclair Primer Pocket Uniformer for uniforming the primer pockets on new brass and then for cleaning the pockets once fired. It's a double duty tool. :)
PMA is coming out with a new Lapua PPC/BR pocket uniformer that's adjustable for depth. I'm waiting for mine now. According to Pat, it's a couple thou narrower to get down into the pocket; I like the adjustable depth because I'm having some consistency issues with non-uniformed pockets.

DeltaBravo This one of the reason I fire the new brass before uniforming the primer pockets. Some brass will grow more than others. Anyone want to agree or disagree with that. Good one for you Stool?

Joe Salt
For what it's worth, I agree with Joe Salt.
What you are looking for is uniformity but within spec with the primer depth. The bottom of the primer pocket doesn't have to be mirror sharp so you can see your pretty mug looking back at you.
adjust tool just to square primer pockets

Joe Salt is correct, I don't uniform primer pockets until after first firing and I adjust my Sinclair tool to just take enough off to square up the bottom of the pocket, there will be some pockets that the tool will not touch the pocket around the flash hole.
Dave T