Precision Shooting subscribers - IMPORTANT

Dick Wright

New member
Precision Shooting has recently changed their mailing envelopes from white paper to black plastic. The black plastic mailers were both less costly and weighed less which resulted in a significant savings in postage for the company.

HOWEVER this month we have had aproximately fifty subscribers who did not get their magazine. They have had replacement copies sent to them, something which makes the editor grouchy because it costs a lot of money. He hypothesizes that people are pitching the magazines unopened because they don't recognize the envelope and think they are unwanted ads or something.

His Lordship (the editor) asked me to plead with any subscribers that might be on this site to PLEASE open that black plastic envelope next month (especially if it looks like there might be a 90+ page magazine therein) before you pitch it, assuming it's ads or something you don't want. He says he's done replacing magazines for a while.


Dick Wright
Right you are Dick. I almost threw the first one out thinking it was a stock prospectus. Many financial mailings come in the same type of mailer.
When the first black envelope edition arrived, my wife immediately thought it was a smutt magazine and opened it right away! LOL.
Another possible cause is it was not delivered because the mailing label became detached. When I received mine, it was bearly adhering.
Black Mailer

All our stock information comes in a similar envelope. It should have a skull and crossbones on it for the last seven months...

Harrison, Michigan
ps mag.

i got mine today. no lable.go figure, robert
For something that's pretty much Dead-on-Arrival, that black plastic bag is quite apropos. ;) Good move !!! :)
Another possible cause is it was not delivered because the mailing label became detached. When I received mine, it was bearly adhering.

My label was barely attached also !!

BTW - We need more jackpine savage stories !

It's also time for a Midsummer's Night book sale,remind the editor!
I guess I'm the other guy. The one who says that the historical articles belong in a historical magazine and not one "Dealing EXCLUSIVELY with extreme rifle accuracy" as I read on the cover of the magazine I get. I'll stretch a point in the last post section until/unless we're reading articles about revolver the current issue....and etc... which like have been appearing more and more often in recent years. Still, it's by far more interesting to me than the ALL of the gun rags who all rush to be cheerleaders for whatever the newest un-needed, un-necessary, absolutely uninteresting factory pistol/cartridge/rifle/shotgun/soapdish the bigger advertisers want to push.

Even with all its warts and a few pages trimmed off PS is still the only magazine I'll be renewing.............the NRA rags come with the membership, so I don't count those............
Before I subscribed to PS, I got the Benchrest Primer, or whatever it is called. A collection of the best articles from the past published in PS. I guess I thought there would be at least one or two such articles in PS each month. Nada. Mostly historical stuff, which is OK if that is what you subscribed to. I have been for the most part disapointed in PS. But for some stupid reason I continue to renew my subscription each year. But I refuse to go more than one year at a time, for the above reasons. I too think the editor/publisher needs to step back and compare past issues and the more recent one, say in the last 3+ years. Lots of potatoes, not much meat. That said I will probabloy continue to renew my subscription at least for the next year. Lots of good stuff going on out there. New stock design, scopes, bullets, powders, etc. Where is the technical stuff. Personally I really don't care where Major Whatshisname is buried, etc. Dave, better get it up to date or down the tubes you will be a going.


If you wrote an article about a match and sent it in with some pictures, I think you might be surprised. I will absolutely guarantee you that he would like a good benchrest article.

If you send in a match report that isn't really brief Dave will edit the s--- out of it because of the space available.

Moderator....shouldn't this be in the General Forum, not trying to be picky but some of us Long Range and F-Class guys subscribe to PS too!
There are other accuracy games. and rifle competition. out there besides benchrest. Maybe the paucity of benchrest articles in PS, is because there are not very many people either shooting, or interested in, benchrest. Other shooting sports have a much greater following. Right now the black gun is the hot thing in competition shooting. Maybe PS should have more black gun articles, also more on F Class would be appreciated.
Francis, Francis, Francis...Isn't "Precision Shooting"

I'm the guy who gets his magazine on or about the 15th of the month. You've all read and voiced opinions on articles in or not in Precision Shooting Magazine. I'm the guy who says there isn't much bench rest in "Precision" Shooting Magazine. I am rather vociferous in my criticism of the magazine, the cover, the editor, in some cases the writer.
I'm the guy who must say something in defense of all of the above. I received my July magazine yesterday, July 1, 2009. On the cover is a beautiful picture of a beautiful benchrest rifle owned by none other than everybody's dear friend, David Apple, of Damascus, Maryland. The description of the rifle was well done on page five. There was a very good article about Black Hills Ammunition by Jacob Gottfredson. There was a photo of Tim Stratton and his Rem 40x in 22 LR, a bench rest target rifle. There was a tremendous article entitled "The Gibson-Linn Expedition". In the table of cantent I saw "A unique new/old .219 Donaldson Wasp by Jim Venier....Page 82" and thought this would be another bench rest article. But alas it is about a fallng block action rifle.
I don't know exactly what Mr. Brennan put in my little black bag or what happened to my magazine in the black bag after it left Manchester, Connecticut but I like the product that was delivered to my door.
My apologies to Mr. Brennan for what I have said about him and his magazine in the past.

more than "just" benchrest? If I can take my Winchester 1886 .45-70 out and get 1" groups at 100 yards isn't that precision shooting within the context of the rifle/cartridge combination? Might there be others in the shooting community, other than benchrest shooters, who might be interested? Horizions, Francis, broaden your horizons!
Dead Hossin

this dead hoss gets poked quite regurlarly and the result in the end is the same, the cop out of some expecting and or demanding that the benchrest community become writers. I sometimes find articles in PS that I enjoy but for the most part I find it to be a waste of paper and ink. I much prefer the simple little magazine NBRSA sends to it's members. At least they know who won matches. I still don't care who got buried in Grant's tomb or who shot the biggest Crock. I guess all said and done, I would prefer to see a magazine more like the NBRSA's monthly, but, I doubt the "Wantabees" as Dave called them at the winter meeting of long ago wouldn't buy many of them.

Of course, we could do something about this with a Petition, eh? ;)
I wish PS would. . .

find a writer to replace Dr. Frank Murphy, who passed on about five years ago. Frank's expertise was answering questions from new BR shooters, and his advice was always spot on. I would turn to his article first upon opening each issue, and I learned a great deal from him. I am sure many new shooters would learn much from such a author-mentor.