piedmont club

Dick, someone slipped you a mickey finn. Look at the LG weights, just about the same as the HG's. (The entire LG list looks bogus.)

As your moniker implies, you're having a senoir moment. A lot of us use the same rifle for light and heavy match. Please don't impugn the score keeping and records unless you have facts.

Jim Morgan

As your moniker implies, you're having a senoir moment. A lot of us use the same rifle for light and heavy match. Please don't impugn the score keeping and records unless you have facts.

Jim Morgan
Yes, but, Jim, I wanna shoot one of those 49 pound light guns like it shows in the LG equipment list!! I'll bet you are the imposter who sent that in?? Little Red won't like that.

Or was it one of those Glikey Hamricks or Waters??
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If I had Half a brain I would stay out of this but.

I tend to agree with James I think its 49 grains of 4831 not a 49 pound rifle.

.............. LOL ..................
........... Great stuff ..................

Jerry -- the excitement for the Super Shoot is how I will mark it up for ya!!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran
Light Gun Weight shot at PGC 600 yd match on 5/10/08

Samuel Hall 16.6 pounds
Jerry Arrowood 16.6 pounds
Jeff Godfrey 16.8 pounds
Randy Peele 14.2 pounds
Joel Kendrick 13.8 pounds
Rob Wyatt 13.6 pounds
Charles Bracken 15.8 pounds
John Lewis 16.0 pounds
Paul Isenhour 14.6 pounds
Gene Canipe 15.6 pounds
Mike Davis 16.2 pounds
Larry Jones 16.8 pounds
Rich DeSimone 16.6 pounds
Glenn Burroughs 14.6 pounds
Rodney Wagner 14.2 pounds
Joey Combs 14.4 pounds
Coy Hill 16.0 pounds
Wolf Buehner 16.2 pounds
Larry Isenhour 15.6 pounds
L.P.Patterson 15.8 pounds
Jim Morgan 12.2 pounds
Jesse Smith 15.8 pounds
Mark Schrounce 16.8 pounds
Chad Jenkins 16.4 pounds
Ray Lowman 16.0 pounds
Thomas Parker 14.4 pounds
Buster Long 14.6 pounds
Jeffery McElrath 16.8 pounds
Steve Jordan 16.2 pounds

there is the actual weights, still look bogus to you? Let me assure you there is nothing bogus about Tommy's record keeping.

Hi Jeff,

What's the chance of your club hosting the 600yd Nationals next year? Are you going to put in for it at the winter meeting?
We will see...

the biggest concern I have is getting enough help to run the match. Also we are involved with the new clubhouse, but that will finish up in a few weeks I hope. I will have a meeting with Tommy and the 600 yard committee to get their input. If Tommy, Scott, and the rest of the 600 yard folks want to have the Nationals, they have my blessing to bid for it.
