Under rainy, pt sunny(very little mirage), cloudy, and windy conditions. 2 Gun Peter Smith racks up another win.
Peter is on a roll this year. He is currently the leader for "Shooter of the Year" Eastern Region NBRSA.
These were very challenging conditions. Temps were 60 in the morn to mid 70's in the afternoon.
WWCCA hosted 22 1/2 shooters. From Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Canada....
Sat. night was the Famous "Cook Your Own Steak" with all the trimmings.
We all caught a break Sunday afternoon. The rain let up to pack up for the drive home.
Peter is on a roll this year. He is currently the leader for "Shooter of the Year" Eastern Region NBRSA.
These were very challenging conditions. Temps were 60 in the morn to mid 70's in the afternoon.
WWCCA hosted 22 1/2 shooters. From Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Canada....
Sat. night was the Famous "Cook Your Own Steak" with all the trimmings.
We all caught a break Sunday afternoon. The rain let up to pack up for the drive home.