Pennsylvania State Championship Unlimited FINALS 8-12-17


Active member
:eek:WOO HOO. What a match.. Fairchance DID NOT LIVE up to WINDY HISTORY. Bad storms were predicted 40%.. It held off till we were fed in the club house at the awards ceremony..
17 brave shooters showed up to test history, will it storm or not:p? 16-250 pins were handed out for Yards . 3 -250 for meters. Conditions did change for meters BUT not crazy.
Here we go..
Yards. 1. Tony Harper 750---55X
2. Mac See 749---51X
3. Daniel Smith 748-- 49x

Meters 1. Gary Hittie 748---45X
2.George Donovan 748---42x
3. Tony Harper 744----37

I want to thank all who came out to shoot and also a special shout out to Garys Hittie's better half for a great meal.
Also to Berts Garage for some tee shirts and ammo for door prize's.

BIG SHOUT OUT TO THE COMPUTER GUY WHO MADE THE SCORING RIGHT...not only can he shoot! he can fix computers while shooting.:D