Patient Zero at Benchrest Central




Don't know if I'm the first to get it, but I'm gonna be the first to post about it. Per a couple different medical professionals, I have the dreaded COVID-19, or Corona Virus.

No...I'm not dead, posting from beyond the grave. In fact, I'm on the mend and feeling better day-by-day. This is probably disappointing to the media jackals, as the number of those recovering seems to get a whole lot less coverage than the number of those who don't.

Oh well...what can you do. Death sells...

Anyhoo, I thought I'd share my experience with you fellas...may help put some minds at ease...make you aware of some of the symptomology...whatever. Not like I'm going anywhere for a spell...

For the past couple of weeks, I've been experiencing more aches and pains than usual, specifically in my knees. The rest of me is for sh!t, but my knees are good and never bother me. I also had an infrequent, dry cough...I would cough MAYBE 3-4 times a day. I knew these were symptoms of CV, and even mentioned them to my wife, but as I felt fine otherwise, I just chalked it up to life and being north of 50.

Until Tuesday.

Tuesday morn, I woke up feeling like I was on the wrong end of an ass-whipping. Most everything hurt. I told my wife I felt like I'd fallen out of tall tree and hit every branch on the way down. Other than that, I felt fine, again invoking the over 50 clause and telling myself it was due to a bunch of metal I had moved in my shop the day prior, and went about my day. But not for long...

A couple of hours later, I barely had the energy to stand-up. I layed down for 30 minutes or so, than got up, had an apple, and felt much better. But not for long...

A couple hours later, I was putzing about in my bass boat, getting ready for the next days fishing trip (you'll note a pattern of stubborness), when BOOM! I got knocked on me wee Irish arse. All I could do to get out of my boat. That evening, EVERYTHING hurt. Back, knees, name it, it hurt. My back hurt the most, but was followed closely by my head, specifically my eyes/eye sockets. Moving my eyes to look at something hurt! I also experienced a couple brief moments of just losing it. I'd be talking, and than just zone out for 5-10 seconds, unable to finish my sentence. But the worst part was the chills. I could not get warm, despite the fact I was sweating like a pig, and went through bouts of shivering uncontrollably. That sucked. But despite all the shivering, sweating and shaking, I didn't have a fever. In fact, my temperature was 1.5 degrees low. My coughing increased, but not by a whole lot.

The next day was much the same, only worse. More soreness, more shivering. This misery was compounded by the fact that the baseball season was postponed, and there wasn't a spring training game to watch.

Yesterday, things were much better. Still had the same symptomology, much less severe. Today is even better, so much so, that I entertained the idea of going bass fishing (the spawn is on!). But in a rare display of sound judgement, I decided to stay put at the pad. Plus, I'm still coughing a bit.

It sucks. It hurts. But so does the regular flu. I'd much rather have CV symptoms than than the barfing-up-your-socks symptoms associated with a stomach flu.

So I'm at the house for a bit. I have plenty of red meat and Copenhagen to see me through the ordeal, but my beer supply is getting low. This is very concerning...

But I survived. So far...

Good Recovery

Justin, your post is very informative in fact more so than the local news.
It’s good to see that you’re keeping your sense of humor, it certainly brought a smile to my face.
Wishing you a quick and total recovery.

Glad to hear you're on the mend, doesn't sound like a lot of fun. The real fun begins if you develop pneumonia which luckily you didn't. Thanks for sharing your experience, I hope to skip it but you never know especially since I'm working an "essential" job.
As a card caring senior citizen, I am very interested in continuing reports on your recovery.

Since you are on the road to recovery, look at the bright side. In all likelihood, you now have immunity.

Keep the updates coming, and good luck.
Do you have any idea how you contracted the virus?

Do you know of a positive case you were in contact with?

During the week before you showed any symptoms, were you sheltering-in-place, washing hands, etc.?

I'm not judging, just curious about how it's spreading.

Sent you an email this morning, but it came back as unknown address. Text me the correct one.

If you run out of beer I could drop off a case at the end of your drive.

Best wishes.

Well...I didn't wake-up dead this morning, so that's a good thing. However, I may wish I had, as it appears my wife has it. She is showing much the same symptomology as I was, specifically a rocking headache and a very sore lower back. We've both had lower back surgeries and are somewhat compromised in that area, so I don't know if that has anything to do with us both really hurting in that area.

She's not upset that she got it from me, but she has nominated me for the "Leading A$$hole of the Week" award...

I feel pretty decent. My head still hurts, and I'm coughing a bit more than I was, but other than that, not bad. I still don't have all my energy back...kind of a sense of malaise...and am quite content to sit in my La-Z-Boy and read a book. However, in true warrior spirit, last night I sacked-up and BBQ'd tri-tip and had a couple of beers. Red meat, cooked over red oak, with a couple of Firestone's finest is good for a man's soul.

No, I was not tested. I asked my doctor if I should get tested and they said no. If it was positive, they couldn't treat me for it anyway, so why bother. I tend to agree with that. Other than being able to say "I tested positive for Corona Virus", there isn't much point to it. They were concerned about any respitory issues...difficulty breathing specifically...but as that wasn't an issue, they said self-isolate for 14 days, and call if it gets worse.

As far as how I got it, who knows. While I tried to stay home as much as possible, if I needed something from Home Depot, I went and got it. I also took a day trip and went and bought a tractor. Hey...a good deal is a good deal. Covid be damned! So, I'm sure I got it whilst out and about, but life goes on and I had things to do.

I also washed my hands after trips to town, but I think you're kinda pissing up a rope, there. Yes, you can minimize your exposure risk, but if you're out and about, even for only the necessaties, you can drive yourself nuts thinking about the ways you could be exposed. Did anyone handle any of the goods I just bought? Who has handled the money I just got back in change? And on and on...

Wash your hands, hope for the best.

Thanks foŕ your thoughts and well wishes, and I may have to take you up on that beer offer, John!

Be careful here?

Be Careful here! This man is Irish. As such he is certainly used to bouts of extreme misery from various shenaniagins that may be much different for the average walking around human being. :rolleyes: Glad your feeling better!



Well...I didn't wake-up dead this morning, so that's a good thing. However, I may wish I had, as it appears my wife has it. She is showing much the same symptomology as I was, specifically a rocking headache and a very sore lower back. We've both had lower back surgeries and are somewhat compromised in that area, so I don't know if that has anything to do with us both really hurting in that area.


Regarding her and your lower back issues...… the one diagnosed case that I'm aware of locally was a lady that developed kidney issues with her illness. She had to be brought out of a medically induced coma (from the virus) for the hospital to treat the kidney issues. She is recovering, but slowly. It's been over 2 weeks now.

I'm not a doctor nor do I know exactly what it was caused by ….. just what her husband told me. As you know kidney issues are something to not take lightly.

Very glad to read that you're on the mend and hope you both have a speedy and complete recovery. WD
Thanks for keeping this community in the loop.

It's good to get a first hand look at the effects of this disease.

Heres to a speedy recovery.

Ol' Beggs again.

Justin, as so many others have said so well, I wanted to add my best wishes to you and your wife as you go about recovering from this darn virus. You have a wonderful sense of humor and I admire you for continuing to show it. You're a better man than I am to always retain your sense of humor in the face of illness. I wish I could say that I've always done the same but my wife and friends will tell you, I'm a terrible patient. A bad cold will just put me in bed.

Hang in there buddy !

Gene Beggs
I asked my doctor if I should get tested and they said no. If it was positive, they couldn't treat me for it anyway, so why bother.

Given the above, I wonder why so many folks want to get tested. Maybe the thought is if you're "positive" you'll self-isolate to try to better protect others. Thoughts?
Given the above, I wonder why so many folks want to get tested. Maybe the thought is if you're "positive" you'll self-isolate to try to better protect others. Thoughts?
I can't even imagine thinking like you.....why on earth would you not get tested? You get tested TO FIND OUT IF YOU'VE GOT IT. Or have had it.....

#1 it would/will give us some real numbers.... any rational human can see that right now we have only guesses, and poor ones at that. In simple fact, we need to test everyone to get any useful numbers.

#2 it allows one to live, if you test as having had it, go back to work and relax. (i realize, this makes no sense to you)



I'll just stop, I can't even start....shouldn't have ..... but at least this'll give the haders something to comment on.....guess that's something :)
See my comments in bold below.

I can't even imagine thinking like you.....why on earth would you not get tested? You get tested TO FIND OUT IF YOU'VE GOT IT. As noted above, apparently there's no cure -- so why bother? Or have had it. Would it really matter that I previously had "it"?

#1 it would/will give us some real numbers.... any rational human can see that right now we have only guesses, and poor ones at that. In simple fact, we need to test everyone to get any useful numbers. If there's no cure what good are the numbers?

#2 it allows one to live, if you test as having had it, go back to work and relax. So, if you test "negative" today, do you go back tomorrow or next week to get tested again -- just to see if you you're still "clean"?

As for the two of us thinking alike, I find that hard to imagine also. :)
I can't even imagine thinking like you.....why on earth would you not get tested? You get tested TO FIND OUT IF YOU'VE GOT IT. Or have had it.....

#1 it would/will give us some real numbers.... any rational human can see that right now we have only guesses, and poor ones at that. In simple fact, we need to test everyone to get any useful numbers.

#2 it allows one to live, if you test as having had it, go back to work and relax. (i realize, this makes no sense to you)



I'll just stop, I can't even start....shouldn't have ..... but at least this'll give the haders something to comment on.....guess that's something :)

Al, I'll have to agree. It appears the old malaria drug "hydroxychloroquine" is doing a lot of good. You do not know if you need treatment unless tested. This drug has been around 60-80yrs. Have you searched the side effects? They are pretty damn minor compared to death.
If no treatment works and you are going to die? Just go behind the chicken house and save your family troubles.
See my comments in bold below.

It appears the old malaria drug "hydroxychloroquine" is doing a lot of good. Please cite a credible source. ... Have you searched the side effects? They are pretty damn minor compared to death. Why do you say, "compared to death"? More folks have recovered from the virus than have died.
If no treatment works and you are going to die? Just go behind the chicken house and save your family troubles. As stated, dying from the virus is not a given.