Ozark Airguns Results



In the Sporter Class

First Place Arnold Smith 192, 200,196--588
Second Dan Hankins 189, 196 2X 162--547 2X
Third Don Matzeder 166, 201 170--537

Match Class

First Place Arnold Smith 226 3X, 231 3X, 224 2X--681 8X
Second Don Matzeder 229 1X, 225 3X, 214 3X--668 7X
Third Dan Hankins 218 3X, 213 3X, 219 --650 5X

Unlimited Class

First Place Don Matzeder 243 2X,235, 229 2X--707 4X
Second Arnold Smith 239 2X, 219 2X, 231 3X--689 7X
Third Marvin Reynolds 229 4X, 226, 232,--687 4X

Arnold took great advantage in the use of a 22 cal in the unlimited and match classes and may have found the key to scoring in this game. The use of irons in the sporter class seemed an effort in futility with everyone that I spoke to vowing to not shoot that class at the next shoot. Maybe the kids have better eyes than we old farts do but the target could not be resolved in its current itteration and shading for the wind was impossible. I managed to shoot one row twice and leave a row unshot. That didn't help my score much. We had seven shooters. Three of us were airgunners that have been shooting RF for a couple of years and the other four were pure airgunners. The RF guys from the area that had said they were comming were absent. The high cards and therefore records, though they may be short lived, are Arnold Smith, Match 231 3X, Don Matzeder, Sporter 201, Don Matzeder, Unlimited 243 2X.
excellent match

The first AG benchrest was excellent, although the weather could of been a bit warmer at the start....

My FX Cyclone in 22 was used in both unlimited at high power and in the match class at low power (shooting JSBs at 595 fps). The trigger was polished and a lighter spring allowed for a 1/2 lb pull.

I used a FWB P700 in the sporterclass with a 4.0 front disc. This was tricky as I could see about half of the four surrounding targets at the inner edge of the front sight ring, making precise positioning a challenge. JSB Exacts in 177 performed nicely and took the best 3 cards average, but just behind Don's FWB P70 for best card.

Don Used a USFT rifle from MAC1 for the unlimited division and took both class and best card. He used a scoped P70 for Match class and open sites on a separate P70 for Sporter which won him best card (although my 3 targets had a better average).

Several spring guns were represented with Tim Johnston using a HW97 in unlimited, Dan Hankins used a TX200 177 in Unlimited, Mr Massey used a HW97 for both Ulimited and Match. Dan Hankins took second in sporter class with a Diana 75. Mr Massey used a FWB 300 in sporter class.

Marvin Reynolds used a B50 or B51 in both target and unlimited classes.

Don may need to correct my recollection of guns used, but hope this helps.
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Glad to hear that the inaugural AirGun Benchrest match is finally in the books, and congratulations to all of its competitors. It sounds like the conditions were less than ideal, but the good news is; you left room for the rest of us once we too can get under way. Of course, by the time I walk onto the range in late April I'm sure things won't be as you left them.

Dave Shattuck
The USFT is by far the best FT gun I have ever shot. I'd shoot it off the bench against anything of the same caliber. For this game, I get Tim to set it up as hot as he can with a 22 barrel for unlimited and backed off a bit from stock with a heavy pellet in 22 for match.

Do you have anymore matches scheduled?
Not yet...I'm waiting for the weather and some of the rimfire scheduals to get set before I commit to any dates.