Opticle centering


I recently received my new target dot scope and as I marveled at its optical wizardry, I wondered: How can I tell if the reticle is optically centered on the center- line of the scope tube? Has anyone on the forum given this any thought?

simple way put a dot on mirror , make a support for scope from a box so that you can freely rotate scope look through scope align crosshairs with dot on mirror rotate scope while looking at dot through scope if it stays on dot is centered
The technique you describe sounds interesting. I have read about a method using a mirror but it described adjusting the reticle until it and its shadow merged. I appreciate your response.

I have a wood (overlaid with masking tape) V block setup that is designed to mount on a camera tripod. After adjusting the tripod and mounting the tool I place the scope in the Vs and adjust the windage and elevation turrets until the intersection of the cross hairs does not move relative to some fixed object in the distance. Learning how to do this takes a little figuring out, but once you have it goes fairly quickly. I first work with the vertical cross hair noting where it is on the "target" and then flipping the scope over half a turn and noting the difference. Then I adjust out half of that distance with the windage turret and repeat until the line does not move. Then I turn the scope a quarter turn and do the same thing again, adjusting with the elevation turret. When I have finished I can roll the scope in the Vs and the center of the reticle does not move.
The method you use, I assume, will require the target to be within the scope focus range. It seems like something that’s simple to construct and can be used to check a scope. Thanks

Yes, if you are going to really split hairs you do not want to have any parallax. On a semi-related matter I have figured out what sort of auxiliary lens it takes to make a scope parallax free with a sharp image at a distance of about 12.5'.
You bought a new scope....it's centered or damned close.
Mount it, shoot it, and concern yourself less with internet solutions in search of problems.
This is required pretty much only if you're remounting a scope on multiple rifles, even then, with custom CNC componants, I cannot remember remounting a scope that was off by more than a few clicks.
Tim, He asked how to do something and I told him. We both answered on the Internet, so I guess that both of our posts are internet answers. For many of us, curiosity is enough of a reason. Certainly none of us need permission for that.
it's centered or damned close
... unless a noname like the one who screwed the elevation full down & the windage full right & left it like that on a new scope that I later bought happens to cross your path. Wouldn't track worth a damn & had to be returned & replaced.
... unless a noname like the one who screwed the elevation full down & the windage full right & left it like that on a new scope that I later bought happens to cross your path. Wouldn't track worth a damn & had to be returned & replaced.

Did he not say it was new? You ever hear of a new scope turned full in any direction ?
Tim, He asked how to do something and I told him. We both answered on the Internet, so I guess that both of our posts are internet answers. For many of us, curiosity is enough of a reason. Certainly none of us need permission for that.

The internet is a wonderful thing, you often can get answers to anything. It never does seem to help understanding what questions need answering in the first place.
Of course that would be entirely up to the person doing the asking. This sort of reminds me of someone asking how many guns a person needs to own.
The reason I asked the question is I wanted to check my used scopes. The thought was to center them all and put them in the cupboard. The scope I’m putting away has a tactical reticle, the new one has a target dot with fine lines. I’m hoping it will improve my attempts to hit something. I have gathered a lot of information on this thread and want to thank all for the help.

The reason I asked the question is I wanted to check my used scopes. The thought was to center them all and put them in the cupboard. The scope I’m putting away has a tactical reticle, the new one has a target dot with fine lines. I’m hoping it will improve my attempts to hit something. I have gathered a lot of information on this thread and want to thank all for the help.


Bob1949, I'm embarrassed.

I'm embarrassed that you feel a need to support your position.

And embarrassed to involve myself in a thread where someone jumps on you for asking a question, ANY question.

But I feel I must.

I teach Hunter Education and Shooting Safety courses and in my opening monologue I make it clear to my students that "THE ONLY STUPID QUESTION IS......"

The one you didn't ask.

So I'm here only to support you and your question, because I despise itinerant preachers.
No Problem

Hi alinwa,
Let me say that I appreciate your concern. I agree with you that any question is worth asking, even if has been asked countless times before. I’m one of those fellows that are not easily offended and have taken no offense. I only hope I haven’t, inadvertently, stepped on anyone’s toes.

Sincerely Bob
Hi alinwa,
Let me say that I appreciate your concern. I agree with you that any question is worth asking, even if has been asked countless times before. I’m one of those fellows that are not easily offended and have taken no offense. I only hope I haven’t, inadvertently, stepped on anyone’s toes.

Sincerely Bob

In the mean time.......I too have reason to center scopes. And I'll endorse those methods listed which include a vee-block (OR, heresy of heresies!!!) I'll even use the scope rings themselves, rifle firmly bedded or clamped...... Spin thee scope, fiddle a liddle and voilaahhhh, all centered up.

Seriously, rocks on the bank of the backstop, branches on the trees, rifle in the bags.... I've used a piece of cardboard or paper sometimes to crumple into/onto the rings....

(Honestly, I don't understand the mirror method A'tall, but I'm a simply-minded fellow...) And it'll still work, with a dot to look at
It was just you guys turn is all

The reason I asked the question is I wanted to check my used scopes. The thought was to center them all and put them in the cupboard. The scope I’m putting away has a tactical reticle, the new one has a target dot with fine lines. I’m hoping it will improve my attempts to hit something. I have gathered a lot of information on this thread and want to thank all for the help.


Everybody gets their turn on here at some point.
