Open Grove Results 2-8-15

We had a great turnout for the first match with nice weather. It was nice to have LD and Matt Saenz make the trip. LD shot a very nice 249, and 250 for a 745-33x, well done LD. There were a few who stopped by to check out the shooting, hopefully they will get involved.

We shot 2 series of 3 targets.

First series:

1) Vipha Miller, 246-7x, 246-10x, 247-8x, == 739-25x Styer

2) Vince Pacheco, 242-2x, 244-6x, 244-4x, == 730-12x USFT

3) Bill Tremel, 239-5x, 239-4x, 244-6x, == 722-15x, EV


1) Larry Durham, 246-9x, 249-11, 250-13x, == 745-33x USFT

2) Abdul Lababedy, 247-10x, 246-5x, 245-8x, == 738-23x, TM1000

3) Matt Saenz, 247-10x, 240-6x, 244-6x, == 731-22x USFT

4) Tim McMurray, 239-3x, 246-8x, 240-3x, == 725-14x USFT

USA Production:
1) Jeffery Ye, 216-3x, 219-3x, 233-2x, == 668-8x, Marauder

USA Hybrid:
1) Doug Miller, 249-11x, 248-8x, 246-12x, == 743-31x Thomas

2) Linzie Boise, 233-3x, 235-2x, 233-0x, == 701-5x, Thomas

Series 2:
USA Hybrid:
1) Doug Miller, 245-8x, 244-7x, 242-7x, ==731-22x Thomas

USA Open:
1) Bob Craybill, 243-4x, 249-14x, 248-6x, == 740-29x USFT

2) Tim McMurray, 237-4x, 238-4x, 233-1x, == 708-9x, USFT

1) Dennis Kunkle, 241-5x, 245-5x, 245-8x, == 731-18x AA FTP 900

2) Vipha Miller, 236-5x, 247-4x, 242-4x, == 725-13x, Styer

1) Matt Lababedy, 244-5x, 247-8x, 245-8x, == 736-21x, TM1000

2) Linzie Boise, 239-4x, 246-6x, 246-13x, == 731-23x, USFT

3) Bill Tremel, 243-5x, 242-3x, 239-4x, == 724-12x, USFT

4) Vince Pacheco, 241-2x, 243-3x, 234-1x, == 718-3x, USFT

5) Jeffery Ye, 228-2x, 238-1x, 239-3x, == 709-6x,

Thank You Matt and Lou for scoring the 2nd series of targets.

Thanks to all that participated and help setting and cleaning up for the match.

Great scores by all!

Looks like Matt and Abdul is all set HV for the Worlds.

Great Shooting Larry on your 745 in HV Class.

thanks Paul

Looks like Matt and Abdul is all set HV for the Worlds.

Great Shooting Larry on your 745 in HV Class.


But THIS is the guy to watch next time.

Open Class winner:
1) Bob Craybill, 243-4x, 249-14x, 248-6x, == 740-29x USFT

He was an onlooker but said he was interested. I loaned him my Open class rifle and an unopened tin
of JSB 18.1 pellets and he took third overall with an ear to ear smile!

Looks like new convert!