Open Grove AirRifle Results 2-23

We had 5 shooters show up despite the cold, wind and rain. We welcomed David and Kelly Rysan from Temecula, Doug Miller from Thousand Oaks, and Brian Denardo. It was a pleasure meeting them and having them here for our first match. We even had a guest from Alberta Canada.

Match Class
1st-Glen Robinson 229--226--202--657
2nd-Dave Loucks 215 1x--200--215--630 1x

Unlimited Class
1st-Doug Miller 243 2x--246 4x--245 3x--734 9x
2nd-Brian Denardo 238 2x--236--234 1x--708 3x
3rd-David Rysan 236 1x--235--230--701 1x

Equipment list;
Glen Robinson-- Walther 300 LG ALUTEC 10m .177
Dave Loucks--1ZH46M Russian Pistol .177
Doug Miller--FWB P70 Modified Field Target .177
Brian Denardo--Air Arms SL 400 Field target .177
David Rysan--Theoben Rapid Field Target .177

Doug's FWB was one of the best looking rifles i have seen, and Doug can flat out shoot. Kudo's goes to Dave shooting his little pistol at 340 fps, you did well Dave, even though it seemed like it took awhile for the pellet to reach the target. It was interesting to see how good these field target rifles shoot. After spending some time with everyone after the match, it appears there is a lot of interest., which is great. I had a wonderful time, and looking forward to adding more matches to our schedule.

Thanks Again for all those who helped and participated. Will see you all at our next match.

Some Pictures from the Match

Here are a few pictures from the match .....





Congratulations on your first Airgun Benchrest shoot. I loved looking at the pictures. I noticed that people were not shooting free recoil? I am new to Airrifle and have not received mine from Alan yet. I plan to run indoor matches at my club and shoot outdoors with Dave Shattuck in New Hampshire.

tough way to start the season

The weather was hardly kind for the first air gun match at Open grove. I know Joe and I were bouth looking forward to shooting in it but the air guns we have ordered are still on there way. Talking to Joe it sounds as if the intrest in the bench matches are good and the people are a good crowd, sound like a wining combonation.
Hi Joe,

Congratulations, the first Open Grove Air Gun match sounds like a success! Those are some fancy “BB” guns! Too bad your and “tenspot’s” rifles didn’t make it in time, lets hope they arrive soon. Interest in Air Rifle BR seems so be growing fast, I might be weakening. :D

A couple of questions…As Paul noticed it seems you all are shooting holding the guns…no free recoil? What is that big wheel on the blue FWB?

Take care, Al
The lack of recoil makes free recoil a non-issue. The springer class isn't quite the same but the springer guys know this. The big wheel on the parallax adjustment of the scope is so the scope can be used as a range finder in the FT game. The wheel is calibrated in yards and when focused, will tell the distance to the target. With good balistic data, you can click in the elevation needed to hit your mark.

I talked to Doug on the phone yesterday. He is not a big fan of computers but had spent quite a bit of time composeing a thank you to Joe for running a great match. It went to cyber heaven some how and he asked me to pass along his thanks and appreciation for the hospitality.
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Congradulations on the match. But I know that its always sunny and warm in California because I was stationed in Port Hueneme during the late 60's. I also stayed at an Aunts' house in Santa Paula for some home cooking.
We are going to start shooting in East Texas as soon as everyone gets some equipment and our heads in the right place.

Congratulations on your first match. After seeing these pictures I am all the more anxious about receiving my new gun from Allen, as I know you, Paul and tenspot are. Too bad you didn't hook up with Allen before you both headed out for the BIG Show down in Las Vegas. If nothing else you could have at least shaken his hand.

Al, what's this I'm reading between the lines of your post? You may be weakening? One can only hope that you, and maybe even Penny, will be joining us sometime in the near future. Good people and good shooters only add to the enjoyment of benchrest! So, I guess one of my first stops after getting my new toy will have to be down at Hole-in-the-Wall, and maybe Paul will be able to come as well to work on both you and Penny. Remember: .02¢ per shot = 50 for a buck, vs. .31¢ per shot = 50 for $15.50. That would be a savings of around $58.00/match if both of you shot. And, remember, there's nothing more accurate than air rifles.

Nice looking rifles

Another range has completed their first steps into the realm of air gun benchrest and I'm pleased to see others calling and emailing concerning their plans to shoot this year.
I just came back from a match with 40 shooters from around the country. I had a display of air rifles for the guys to see and some targets for them to take back to their areas to show others at their clubs. There was a sheer look of amazement on most folks faces as they had never seen the type rifles that we are shooting. After looking at the targets I have shot they could not believe the 10 shot groups fired with rifles on the sighter targets nor the many tens fired on the score target. The word is spreading and we are going to see some great scores shot this year.

Good job to everyone that has been involved in the rebirth of shooting these fine rifles from the bench.
Fred, Thank You for posting the pictures.

Paul, You folks are going to have fun shooting these rifles, and wish all of you success and lots of enjoyment.

Jim, We will find out this week.

Al Thanks, when Dave's rifle shows up, you have to give it a try at least.

Don, Thank You for relaying the message from Doug and answering Paul and Al's question.

Lead Head Thanks, We do have great weather here, but it still can be cool to your standards, windy and we do get rain. Good luck in East Texas with your matches.

Dave Thanks, I wish I new Allen was going to be there, but oh well. We should have our rifles here this week, and looking forward.

Since the match there has been overwhelming interest, actually more than rim fire and hope full it continues, if so we will be adding 4 more benches for Air Guns only. Hopefully other ranges will take interest in the surrounding areas and add it to their venue.

Paul from 6mmBr. just finished posting some pictures and comments from some of you on his website if you are interested, under heading Daily Bulletin.

Thanks Ron and Thanks Again Gentlemen for your replies.

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Potential New record targets

I was just reviewing your scores and notice that there are two potential records targets listed. The 229 Match target and the 246 Unlimited target.

Drop me an email if you have any questions