Open Grove 11-13-16 Results

We had 8 shooters for our last match of the year. Special thanks to Tim McMurray and Wayne for running the match and scoring of targets. It was nice to have Linzie back with us.

Match 1 Results:
1) Vipha Miller, 242-2x, 242-10x, 242-11x, 726-23x

2) Doug Miller, 238-1x, 240-4x, 246-10x, 724-15x

3) Matt Kellerman, 236-8x, 238-4x, 243-7x, 717-19x

4) Dennis Kunkel, 236-6x, 236-6x, 240-4x, 712-16x

5) Linzie Boise, 231-5x, 235-4x, 226-2x, 692-11x

HV Results:
1) Kim Zussman, 246-17x, 250-12x, 246-11x, 742-30x

2) Mary Kellerman, 222-1x, 238-5x, 231-6x, 691-12x

US Open Results
1) Bill Tramel 242-9x, 243-8x, 246-10x, 731-27x

Match 2 Results:
1) Kim Zussman, 246-10x, 250-12x, 250-12x, 746-34x

2) Bill Tramel, 249-10x, 246-14x, 248-11x, 743-35x

3) Doug Miller, 241-5x, 248-8x, 248-5x, 737-18x

4) Dennis Kunkel, 248-10x, 244-7x, 238-4x, 730-21x

5) Vipha Miller, 243-4x, 242-7x, 237-3x, 722-14x

6) Linzie Boise, 239-4x, 244-5x, 239-1x, 722-10x

7) Mary Kellerman, 234-4x, 242-7x, 239-3x, 715-14x

US Open:
1) Matt Kellerman, 244-9x, 241-8x, 240-6x, 725-23x

Thanks for all your help, and congrats to Kim for his 3 250's.

Next Match will be February 2017

Thanks guys! I think conditions were easier than usual that day.

Making first 250 in a match seemed like losing virginity: scared to let it happen the first time but once it did it wasn't as hard to repeat ;)
Great shooting Kim and 3 250's WOW

Keep up the good work! You should go to the World Cup with Todd Banks!
Paul Bendix
Thanks very much Paul. Will probably pass on the worlds as we have a conflict during that week in August.

Good meeting you at the Nationals!
