one really bad shot



I have an Anschutz 1913 with 1500 to 2000 shots thru it. I recently shot a bench rest 25 shot target with rws r50 and got the the following scores:
10 16 6x
9 7
8 1
7 0
6 0
5 0
4 0
3 1

This is not an isolated instance. I get many targets similar but not quite as bad for one shot.

The "3" was at 11:00 so most of the error was vertical. What could cause this?
Mediocre barrel, ignition problem, ammo is not as good as you thought, poor gun handling, you miss conditions.
Take your pick.
In other words, while all of these are plausable areas, you're not going to diagnose them on an internet forum. Let an experienced hand shoot your gun.
By the way, 2000 shots down the pipe, what is your cleaning discipline?
Those numbers mean what exctly ? What target are you trying to shoot?
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I have an Anschutz 1913 with 1500 to 2000 shots thru it. I recently shot a bench rest 25 shot target with rws r50 and got the the following scores:
10 16 6x
9 7
8 1
7 0
6 0
5 0
4 0
3 1

This is not an isolated instance. I get many targets similar but not quite as bad for one shot.

The "3" was at 11:00 so most of the error was vertical. What could cause this?

234 - 6X target, I assume it was a USBR target.

The 3 at 11:00 could have been wind from right to left,

the rest of the misses, are most likely from the ammo or any of the things Tim mentioned.

Buy some different ammo and keep trying

Mediocre barrel, ignition problem, ammo is not as good as you thought, poor gun handling, you miss conditions.
Take your pick.
In other words, while all of these are plausable areas, you're not going to diagnose them on an internet forum. Let an experienced hand shoot your gun.
By the way, 2000 shots down the pipe, what is your cleaning discipline?
Those numbers mean what exctly ? What target are you trying to shoot?

I pull a patch with CLP every 100 rounds. Every 500 shots I pull a bronze brush. I pull a dry patch thru last. The numbers refer to rings on the target. The 10 ring is .2" the 9 ring is .4" the 8 ring .6", etc. The bad shot was .78 from the aim point, the second worse shot was .26 from the aim point. An "x" hits a small dot at the aim point.
Lots of spent ammo.

234 - 6X target, I assume it was a USBR target.

The 3 at 11:00 could have been wind from right to left,
View attachment 18229

the rest of the misses, are most likely from the ammo or any of the things Tim mentioned.

Buy some different ammo and keep trying


Looking at the image, it appears that a head wind coming from 11:00 would cause a deflection similar to mine. Could you post a link for that info. I am wondering how much wind is necessary to cause a one inch rise. I have tried some lower cost ammo. It does not perform as well as highest cost ammo: RWS R50, Lapua Midas+, Eley Tenex, and Federal's best. The 1500 or so shots were all ammo testing. RWS R50 works best, Eley Tenex worst.
Looking at the image, it appears that a head wind coming from 11:00 would cause a deflection similar to mine. Could you post a link for that info. I am wondering how much wind is necessary to cause a one inch rise. I have tried some lower cost ammo. It does not perform as well as highest cost ammo: RWS R50, Lapua Midas+, Eley Tenex, and Federal's best. The 1500 or so shots were all ammo testing. RWS R50 works best, Eley Tenex worst.

They way I see it, from viewing the wind chart image, a wind from 11:00 would push the projectile low, down to around 6:00. A tail wind from 5:00 would cause the projectile to strike higher in the 11:00 region.

I am wondering how much wind is necessary to cause a one inch rise? At 50 yards, my guess would be around 15 mph + from 5:00.
Like Pete said, learn how to clean a barrel. Scrap the pull through junk and get a proper rod and quality boreguide.
Pay particular attention to how to clean a throat, I'm guessing yours is loaded up.
Plenty here, do a search.
I'm pretty sure everyone is trying to tell you that you might not have the equipment to manage a better "target". You seem to be intent on shooting better so here goes:

If you don't have any, get yourself five pretty good wind flags and take the time to set them pretty close to the same every time you shoot. Having done them!!! Set them just below the line of sight so you don't have to change when you attend a match. When you attend a match, you'll have more flags to watch so tune in to the flags. Yes, you can get by with four flags but five is better

Figure out how to rest your rifle so that it is pretty darn close every shot and recoils the same every shot.

It doesn't really matter (does to me) but develop a shooting "style" such that each shot is fired the same. Free recoil is the easiest method to master. If your forend is rounded, make sure your crosshair is positioned the same each shot...vertically, horizontally, whatever you choose. Your vertical may not be true vertical but it doesn't matter in the least as long as your rifle is positioned the same.

Shoot some sighter shots along the way and learn to hold the aiming point to hit where you want to hit. Watch the wind...if it changes, shoot another sighter!!!

Find some bullets that shoot best in your rifle. If you can't find such, the problem is your rifle. I'll let you deal with that problem as there are thousands of possibilities...if not millions. If you have a better idea, do these things first...then your better idea.
Mirage will do all kinds of nasties to you. Sneaky also as you will not always see it in the image of your scope.
Mirage will cause a lot sighting errors- wind slow down Mirage gets more intense- won't always see that in your scope . Accounts for a lot of so called flyers alluded to bad round/ inconsistent ammo.