On some days does the exchange of information sound like this???


This video contains content from Comcast Entertainment Group, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
Sorry about that.
As a longtime lurker, who has been immeasurably educated by reading between the lines on this site, this is the most humerous and true to life depiction of the daily dialogue that I have ever seen. May I be so bold as to propose that it be made a "Sticky"?:
This was funny, but.

Personally, I think his original video about the IPhone that got him suspended from Best Buy is still the funniest of the bunch.
Ya! the internet sucks. Let's go back to gun magazines and let the gun writer's tell us what is best.
Ya! the internet sucks. Let's go back to gun magazines and let the gun writer's tell us what is best.

The problem with a lot of the guys who have gotten into shooting recently, since the internet became widely used anyway, is that they're willing to go online and take anyone's word for any and everything. If someone wanted to know the best load for their .300 Wunderboomer, and someone else suggested a load of 60 gr of IMR 4198 behind a 200 gr bullet with a large pistol primer it might be taken as the straight poop. A lot of gun writers are suspect, but who's the guy who's giving the information on the internet?

Nobody seems to want to waste their money on silly things like loading manuals or any other printed literature on guns or shooting or loading, but they're willing to spend a considerable pile of money on a firearm then ask people they don't know from Adam's off ox for advice.

I guess I'm just getting old and cranky, but the original video is WAY too close to the truth a lot days.
"This video contains content from Comcast Entertainment Group, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds. "

For those seeing this message when clicking on that link :
Monty Python -The Dead Parrot Sketch

Can someone post the link to the Youtube video of Hitler in a tyrade over gun forum questions...it was the funniest I have seen...;)

Eddie in Texas