Old dog needs a new trick

Well a good friend of mine showed up with his new Remington 700, .223 bolt action rifle with it's plastic injected black stock and two tubes of JB Weld. Looks really nice.
Let's bed my new rifle. OK and we commenced to taping off the stock and then applying the JB Weld as we have on old style wooden stocks.
Well he took the rifle home later and call the next day to let me know how well the bedding took.
Surprize! The JB Weld came off the stock easier than the masking tape.
I.E. back to square one.

I'm sure I could not be the only one that had this problem, hummm....
Anyone out there that can recommend a bedding material that they have used sucessfully on this type of stock?
Thank you's in advance.
take a drill and dimple the stock..a lot
it needs something to hang onto

the filled holes in this case is where bedding was removed under the bbl


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I agree that the drilling is a good idea.
But I am looking for someone with experience using a bedding material that will work in all areas of the plastic stock.
And that Brand name is?________________
Here is the test.

Take a hot nail, if the nail melts the bedding area then NOTHING will stick!!!

Sorry it is just that simple.

Sell the TupperWare stock.

(GLUCK needs more plastic since TupperWare & RubberMaid have imposed restrictions on cupboard utensil manufacturers)

A B&C stock would be light years ahead of any OEM Rem tupperware stock.
a lot of stuff is made out of whatever formulation that plastic is- nothing in the epoxy world will stick to it. The only way to even attemp a repair is to melt/ fusion back together again with an approriat filler material. And by the way those plastic stocks warp in very hot conditions/ snap in very cold.
a lot of stuff is made out of whatever formulation that plastic is- nothing in the epoxy world will stick to it. The only way to even attemp a repair is to melt/ fusion back together again with an approriat filler material.

Not sure about the plastic used by Remington, but the bedding in 1990s synthetic stocked Winchester Model 70s with BOSS brakes was - some sort of clear silicone. Drill some holes in the stock, make sure the silicone goes through the holes. Odds are, the silicone won't come out (unless it breaks.) Yes, it sounds funny. But it works.
a bunch of these nay sayers are full of it.
while the stock in my pic is an H S precision, IT IS PLASTIC.
i believe the bedding is marinetex.
just add a bunch of holes in multiple directions, and the bedding material
will stay. i did not say it sticks to the plastic but all those little fingers in the holes
keeps everything in place. ain't my first rodeo.
I believe H&S stocks are hand laminated with Kevlar, fiberglass, and carbon fiber and foam filled, plus the bedding block.
i am not saying you are wrong, but it is a savage production line stock from hs, and it looks plastic vs a br glass/composite stock.
i'll see if i can find out.

I believe H&S stocks are hand laminated with Kevlar, fiberglass, and carbon fiber and foam filled, plus the bedding block.
from hs site
"Both sides of the mold are hand laminated with Kevlar, fiberglass, and carbon fiber. We use an abundant amount of these material for added strength and durability. Next we inject the mold with a proprietary mixture of a dense polyurethane foam material."

the last line maybe what has me confused....the end product 'looks" plastic.

but the multiple hole trick works on plastic...been there done that