November 2019 LV-HV Club Match Ben Avery Results

2019 Individual 2 Gun World Champion Joel Nader came to Phoenix and gave us a shooting lesson.

We had a small turn out partly because the match was just a couple of weeks following the NBRSA nationals and most of us were still reeling from that event. The weather was very nice, cool in the mornings and warm in the afternoon. Shooting conditions were on the tricky side as we had light to moderate winds that would switch in all directions. I didn't post the Grands, Bughole didn't allow as the files were to large. Joel Nader won both Grands, Chuck Miller was 2nd in both. Dan Sutton was 3rd in the Light and Bud Mundy 3rd in the Heavy.

Of note; Joel won small group in every match, Heavy Varmint 100 yards shooting a .1540 aggregate.

December 14th and 15th is a Unlimited 5 shot match all weekend at Ben Avery, so if you like to shoot the Rails come on out and have some fun.

Gary Ocock


  • Nov 19 Equipment List.pdf
    334.6 KB · Views: 336
  • LV100 Nov 19.pdf
    340.3 KB · Views: 258
  • HV 100 Nov 19.pdf
    356.2 KB · Views: 219
  • HV 200 Nov 19.pdf
    331.1 KB · Views: 226
  • LV 200 Nov 19.pdf
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  • 2 Gun Nov 19.pdf
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Speaking of small turnouts, my first NBRSA shoot,1998, there were 64 shooters. The last shoot, same club, we had 13!!
