NorCal IR50/50 July Results


Evening all,

We held our 3rd IR50/50 match of the year this Saturday, and while bracing for a light turnout we did attract 13 shooters including 3 new (to us) shooters to come out and battle the winds of the Ione Triangle.

We shot two 3-card matches, the first being a UNL SOTY match.
Card 1 started out with mild, but switchy l-r conditions and was won by Henry Pinkney with a 247-11x, Francis Lee right behind with a 246-7, and then 5 shooters with a 245, 3rd going to Pierre Bigras with 13 x’s.
Card 2 was a battle between Francis and Greg both shooting 248’s with Francis taking 1st place 11x’s to 10. 3rd was Match Director Dan Lutke with a 245-10x.
Card 3 had the wind starting to pick up a little more but Greg managed a 248-15x to edge Henry’s 247-10x. Francis taking 3rd with a 246-10x.

The 3 card UNL-SOTY Agg results were as follows:
1st: Greg Wilson 741-36x
2nd: Francis Lee 740-28x
3rd: Henry Pinkney 738 27x

The 2nd match was a 3 card Club/List match with the winds really starting to get finicky. There was a pretty nice L to R push from @ 10:00 that was shootable but if you missed a tail it was really easy to shoot a 9 or even an 8!
Card 1 was taken by Sean Mattson (one of the previously mentioned new to us shooters) with a very nice 247 10x, and following right behind were three 246’s with Pierre Bigras taking 2nd with 15x and in 3rd Francis with a 11x.
Card 2 was won by Greg with the only 250 of the match (and his first) with 12 x’s
Francis finishing 2nd with a 246-12x, Henry 3rd with 244-5x.
Card 3 was a battle just to keep near the 10 ring, with the top 3 finishers all shooting 245’s. 1st place Henry with 12x’s, 2nd Francis with 11x’s, Tom Price 3rd with 5.

The 3 card CLUB/LIST Agg results are as follows:
1st: Greg Wilson 737-39x
2nd: Francis Lee 737-34x
3rd: Henry Pinkney 735-25x

We combine both 3 card Aggs for the 6 Card Club Aggregate aka The Money Match.
6 card results:
1st: Greg Wilson 1478-75x (High x-count for the match)
2nd: Francis Lee 1477-62x
3rd: Henry Pinkney 1473-52x

I would like to thank all the shooters who came out to join us, especially the new ones: Sean, Bob, and Yannick.
Also want to thank Dan for being Match Director and putting these matches on, anyone who has done it knows what a tough and often thankless job it is.
Complete results attached.

Hope to see everyone (and more) at our next match Aug 15th.
Be safe out there!
Reporting from the Ione Triangle


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