No more Remington reloading products soon!


My local dealer was told by a Remington sales rep tht Remington is getting out of business of selling reloading components. Anybody else hear this rumor?

Not really a big deal since it would only be in name. As you know Remington is part of Freedom Group which is made up of
H&R 1871
DPMS / Panther Arms
They bought Barnes bullets in 2010 so they may sell their reload products under the Barnes name and keep remington as the loaded ammo. They won't be getting out though.
Sounds like the same "sales rep" that told a shop local to me that they would have to order two of the Custom Shop rifles before they could order from the Custom Shop. Blatenly false. Also when shown rust on a new Remington rifle, he told the owner of the shop that it was only "oxidation!" Duhh!!!
Don't pay attention to rumors ... ever. Secure the facts. If you really want to know, call the President of Remington, or one of their Senior Vice President's. Those types of decisions will be made at that level.
Hi All:

Kindly ignore my post concerning the lack of Remington products.

I should have paid more attention to the source of the disinformation before I repeated it!

This disinformation came from a gun store that has/is the following:

This place is very strong on providing John Birch information

These people are rabid anti Obama devotees. In the past they have warned anybody who would listen to their propaganda about Obama taking your guns and ammutiion. This is still going on as they have given exact dates in the past and present when this will happen. They know that the IRS has hired 1000 new agents just for this purpose. These new agents are going to go door to door and seize any and all guns. I saw a man pickup $1300.00 worth of shotgun and .22 ammo just so his grandson would have some in the future. The first date was September 2009 and the second is , get this September 2012.

I have watched the ammo supply dry up the last 4 years or so and the sales of guns have seemed to pick up around here. The only people who seem to have profited from this rumor mongering are tht gun dealers.

The craziest rumors that I have heard recently are two: There are about 12-13 southern states who are planning to leave the union due to Labour Unions and Obama and are you ready for this one, The Russian Army is preparing to attack Denver. Co. I did research these rumors and found what they were all about.

Again, I swear to never repeat any information again before researching the accuracy of the information.

Question authority,

I dont know what the disinformation you gs has spread. About 1976, I followed the info the John Birch Society was putting out and in that 35 years, and looking back I have found about 80% of that to be true. The other 20% may also be accurate but I dont follow economics etc so I dont know about some of that data.

When I get reading a lot of posts on this and several other forums it seems the posters would probably be members of the JBS.

The UN is a perfect example. Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US!!

Obama is working 'below the radar' on guns. He wont allow millions of guns back from Korea, but that may have changed. Anyone have current data? Restrictions on on-line ammo purchases-worthless and costly. Millions spent by law abiding citizens for CPLs or whatever your state calls em-infringements, one and all.

Propaganda?? really. The truth sometimes hurts.
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