Nightforce Spoting Scope vs kowa 883



Has any one used both at 300-1000 yards and if so which is better and why?

How well does this new fluorite glass glass work at reading mirage?

I'm looking for a scope to help read wind. Watch flags, bullet splash of the shooter next to me and mirage at 300-1000 yards.

Any other suggestions?

It has been some time and a few scope models ago since I had the opportunity to compare the fluorite lens Kowa to the non-flourite lens model side by side. The differences I was able to see were subtle and I don't think were necessarily particularly helpful for reading mirage and spotting on a target. I do think the larger objective lenses of the current models are helpful, particularly in less than ideal lighting. The birders are very fond of fluorite lenses and other exotic glass because it helps with fine feather detail, color rendition and reduces chromatic aberration and other optical defects that I just don't think are that big of a concern for shooting. When the mirage kicks up, not even the finest glass will be able to preserve the detail it is capable of rendering.

All that said, if the florite lenses are in your budget, they are optical wonders.
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regarding seeing mirage, one does not want to look THROUGH mirage to see target details, one wants to look AT mirage to see what the wind is doing. A good spotting scope will see mirage in low sunlight conditions.
Steve is a 100% right, I set a spotting scope not to look at the target, but to see the direction and speed of the wind. I want to see the mirage not the spotters from the last shot,that is history…….. jim
Jim If you watch the vapor trail while watching the flags, that give you an even better idea of what the wind is doing. And Kowas are the best for seeing bullet holes at 1000 yards, but I have also used a friends Bushnell Ball scope with 60x eyepiece and seen holes very well.

Joe Salt
Jim If you watch the vapor trail while watching the flags, that give you an even better idea of what the wind is doing. And Kowas are the best for seeing bullet holes at 1000 yards, but I have also used a friends Bushnell Ball scope with 60x eyepiece and seen holes very well.

Joe Salt

Joe, I use a spotting scope, not to see bullet hole or even the target i use it to see mirage at a given area that i feel moves the bullet. Mirage is speed and flags are direction……. it's all over looking at the trace …… jim
Then I guess we don't see the same thing when looking through a spotting scope! And i believe Mirage also gives you direction, Used it many a time.

Joe Salt
Joe, mirage is speed and you can see change direction but the flags give the value of the speed and direction …..full, half, and so on. You need both and it depends where you are looking it can blow 4 different ways at the same time………. jim
Sorry Jim I don't put much faith in the flags been burnt too many times believing them, If I told you all my secrets, Then I'd have to kill ya.

Joe Salt
Tough crowd, I would think vapor trails show how much the wind is pushing it.. I would sit back and watch, then watch the value in the flags to get a feel for the range..

I'm sure the Marine corps knows a little about wind reading….. you watch mirage and flags not the trace unless you are looking for a hit…… and that is like chasing the spotter….. jim
Hey Jim what did you do enroll in a Marine wind reading? I'm still looking for the guy that would come to Williamsport and teach me how to read the damn wind up there. I'd even be willing to pay someone that will show me without a doubt that I'm doing it wrong. Let me see I won score in the World Open, and 5th in the 10 match agg. for score. And we had some real sh$$ days.

Joe Salt