Sounds OK, but an I correct that the BC has been changed?
I use a spreadsheet created by a local shooter that I've used for maybe 10 years now. It works for me out as far as I want (that's 1200 yards at the moment), is consistent with live shooting results & tables such as JBM etc.
When I started using the 210s back in 2007 or early 2008, I punched a BC of .62 into the tables & it worked.
I use a BC of .56 for the 200 SMK, That works too & that hasn't been changed by Sierra, so I'm at a bit of a loss to understand what's hapeened with the 210.
Back 5 or 6 years, I accidentally set up my seater one turn too far in when using the 210 Berger VLD & it shot far better for me than when jammed - though I must admit that I'm not as critical shooting off my belly at 1200 yards as you would be shooting 1000 yard BR. Anyway, I jumped the Sierras the same way & they worked fine too.