New Shooter - Help with selectin Flags



Did a search of the forum and was still uncertain as to a preferagerable type and stands, plus sources.

Gogin to start shooting benchrest at my local club that has both centerfire and rimfire benchrest. Was hoping for some help on the preference as to current type of flag and what type of stand.

Any help would be appreciated, looked at the Australian flags, but was not certain what stands to use, and where to get them. But I may be totally wrong on what I like.

Looking to buy 4 flags and stands initially. Will shoot out to 100 yards, but we also have a 200 yd. range and figure the use of flags would be helpful there as well when shooting and doing load development.

Thanks much!
Flags &poles

Smiley Hensley flags and poles. 540-298-8368. Great quality and reasonably priced, also most popular amongst 100-200 yrd benchrest shooters.
Did a search of the forum and was still uncertain as to a preferagerable type and stands, plus sources.

Gogin to start shooting benchrest at my local club that has both centerfire and rimfire benchrest. Was hoping for some help on the preference as to current type of flag and what type of stand.

Any help would be appreciated, looked at the Australian flags, but was not certain what stands to use, and where to get them. But I may be totally wrong on what I like.

Looking to buy 4 flags and stands initially. Will shoot out to 100 yards, but we also have a 200 yd. range and figure the use of flags would be helpful there as well when shooting and doing load development.

Thanks much!
I'd be happy to be of help. PM me.--Mike Ezell
You won,t find any better wind flags than Mike Ezell,s. Nice guy to do business with also. I will highly recommend his flags.
