New Braunfels VFS match

New Braunfels hosted our first registered VFS score match today. We had 19 shooters show up and face the Dietzville wind and mirage. It started out slightly overcast with mild winds working up to sunny, hot, and enough mirage to drown the rings right off the targets. In the late afternoon our brave shooters had a very hard time determining if the targets even had rings. Despite the challenging mirage and typical Dietz wind we all had a great time. I would like to thank every one who showed up to shoot our first VFS match.

Here is how it turned out.

100 yards...

Easton 250-17X (Won by tiebreaker)
Garrett 250-17X
Frederick 250-15X (Won by tiebreaker)
Duke 250-15X
Bosco 250-15X
Bernaheo 250-15X

200 Yards (Did I mention the mirage and wind)

Schmidt 249-4X
Lott 246-3X
Bosco 245-8X
Garrett 245-2X
Bristow 244-4X


Schmidt 498-24X
Lott 496-17X
Bosco 495-23X
Garrett 495-19X
Bristow 494-18X

Once again I would like to thank everyone who showed up and enjoyed the day with us. Jackie did a great job dealing with the mirage and wind today. He dropped one point in the morning with a let up that was worth more than he thought.....he ended up with a 249-20X at 100. Congrats to Jackie for the win.

Kris Whitman
Good shooting to Carl and Jackie. You all did a good job under trying conditions.

Thank you Kris for calling a great match. Now if I could just read wind a bit better!!


Wat to go Jackie! So, you CAN drop a point at 100 and still come back to win the grand.

This scenario was discussed recently if my memory serves me.;) Congrats to all who shot well!--Mike Ezell
Thanks, Kris, for putting on a great match, God, it was hot. And the mirage, as you said, rendered actually aiming at something an exercise in futility. The fact that we were shooting into 3 lines of switching push didn't help. This is the kind of stuff that if you are shooting group, you are happy to just keep things under 1 inch at 200.

I learned a good lesson today, regardless of how good a Rifle you have, all you have to do is have one little mental lapse, and there it is, the big deal killer, "Mr 9", staring back at you like a grinning cheshire cat. Mental lapse is being kind, "going stupid" better describes it.:D

Congrats to Carl for his 100 win, we had six Houston Shooters make the trip, Great bunch of guys. I have watched all of them grow as shooters in the past couple of years since they first started showing up at our Tomball Club Matches. Most owe their "addiction" to Dale Metzger, he has mentored all of them over at Baily's House Of Guns.

One other thing, I got to try the 10-60 March at a lower power today (about 35x), at 200 to see if it would help at least a little. Jury is still out. I guess when it goes over 100 degrees without a cloud in the sky, anything short of devine intervention is pointless. Carl was shooting just to my right, he had a big 12-42 Nightforce, had about the same luck dialing it down in an attempt to see something to aim at...........jackie

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Jackie, I remember someone (?) laughing at me for dropping a point the first time I tried score. I won't do that to you. On second thought I might! Good comeback. Congratulations to all the winners.

Jackie, Congratulations! Yesterday was what I call CHALLENGING FUN! Art

To Jackie and Carl for their victories in some challenging conditions to say the least. :eek:

Way to go guys......




See ya'll at the world club match finals at Tomball Sun Oct-3......:)

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Well Gary, you know what they say. Revenge, (payback), is a dish best served up cold. I guess I got it coming.............jackie
Who did we forget?

Before we commit any more Faux Pas, I believe we would ALL be remiss if we didn't congratulate "B.G." Lott for finishing 2nd in the 200 yards and 2nd in the overall aggregate.


You shot an Excellent match even though, as you told me earlier in the day, the last time you shot Score was about 10 years ago. Apparently you hadn't forgotten a thing.

"B.G." is one of the finest group shooters in the CTBRS club. Good Shooting my friend! :)
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Heres some pics of the winners

This was my first VFS match and definitely not my last.....It was a great time with great company!:D

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