New 600 Yard Shooter Needs Help


New member
I'm an experienced rifle shooter, and currently handload for a diverse family of .17 and .20 caliber rifles. I'm interested in participating in our clubs fairly informal 600yd matches.

I want to start with a "entry level" gun, probably a Savage model 12 of the benchrest or F class variety.

Based on your experience and knowledge, would I be as well off with a .308 or should I go with the 6mmbr?

I appreciate your feedback.

For entry level informal matches 6BR,Varget powder,Lapua Brass,CCI 450 Magnum primers and Sierra 107's would be tough to beat.
You said informal. I realize that you still want to do well, but likely you won't be competing against National level 600 yard shooters...

Stan Taylor, of Douglas barrels, has considerable experience in using a .20 at 1,000 yards. The surprising thing was not that it wasn't ideal, but that it worked as well as it did. At 600 yards, it might be close to top-level. The plus would be you might only need a barrel for one of your current .20 caliber rifles, and different bullets.

Stan goes by wvredneck on this forum, you could post to his name & ask.

Nothing wrong with the advice you've been given, though I wouldn't say "hands down." Either the .308 or the 6BR is capable of record-setting performance; the .308 offers more choices in components (esp. bullets), the 6mm BR is easier to shoot.

If you want to start with a recipe, use what Lynn gave you. It would be unusual for that not to shoot well.
I'll vote against the 308. I'm a 250lb concrete worker, I don't enjoy shooting a 308 in competition.

One exception would be if you use an 1:18" twist barrel and Randy Robinett's 112-118gr BIB's but I don't consider this "entry level" since the BC on these fine little pills hovers between .250 and .300

I'll cast another vote for the 6BR, 8" twist and 105-108 bullets.

Savage 6.5 x 284, 140gr Berger BTLR, H4831sc, WLR primer, Norma case. Run them 2950 to 3000fps and you should be able to be in the 1" groups if you do your part at 600yds.
Savage 6.5 x 284, 140gr Berger BTLR, H4831sc, WLR primer, Norma case. Run them 2950 to 3000fps and you should be able to be in the 1" groups if you do your part at 600yds.

I THINK you're saying that the factory Savage is a .200 rifle in your opinion???

In 6.5X284 chambering???

If this is what you're saying I can't agree!

Now if you're saying it'll do "1" groups at 100yds if you do your part" I'll get with that....

+1 for the 6BR.
Bullets are cheaper.
You get more rounds out of a pound of powder.
The barrel will last longer.
The 6BR is as accurate as any of the other calibers mentioned.
Need any more reasons?
At an old 600 yard nationals I shot a 1.094 inch lightgun group on the first day only to get beaten by Greg Wilson and his 6.5 X 284 on the third day.
The Expiper who posts here shot a 1.1xx or a 1.2xx group if my memory is any good and both of us were using regular old 6BR's.
The year Ron Tilley came in First Place he was shooting a 6BR.
Lynn, I've shot 1" groups at 600. That's not the question....the poster is referring to a factory Savage. IMO aint no factory 6.5X284 you should EXPECT to consistently shoot 1" groups at 600yds.....
Based on my experience with the 6.5 x 284 I would agree with Al. If it was such a hot cartridge why are 90% of some of the best shooters in 600 yard IBS competition at the Piedmont club shooting the 6BR or one of its variations?
I never owned nor shot a 6.5 anything.I prefer the 6BR and its 1800 rounds per keg of powder and wide selection of bullets coupled with easy accuracy.
I have seen the Savage in 6BR compete and it is a very capable rifle.
I only mentioned the 6.5's capabilities because it was brought up by someone other than myself.
Walker, I shoot informal 600 yard br at one range and 1000 yard F class at another. Get the 6br and never look back. I bought a Savage target action and screwed a shilen in the end of it. It will work fine. And I use Lynn's recipe up to the bullet, instead of 107MK's I use Berger 105gr vld's.
Based on my experience with the 6.5 x 284 I would agree with Al. If it was such a hot cartridge why are 90% of some of the best shooters in 600 yard IBS competition at the Piedmont club shooting the 6BR or one of its variations?
cuz dare all wimps?

Rich, If I ever show up there again, it'll be with .30s at a minimum. (Well, that's really just a case of bring what you got...)
Al, I really did not read it clearly, I just voted that my choice would be the 6.5, I think he may be into more options than just 600 br, maybe 1000, maybe he would change and shoot F class, I just thought the 6.5 would be a better choice to start with. take care, Ron Tilley
You might contact Graf-Sons ad see if they still sell factory loaded rounds for the 6BR using 105 grain bullets.
I had a longrange squirrel gun built for my uncle and with factory ammo it would shoot quite well.I think he was getting 1 inch groups at 300 yards with it.
When he reloads for it he compares his results against the factory ammo.I asked him why he did this and his explanation was,if the reloads didn't shoot well he could then shoot some factory rounds and see if he was just having a bad day.