New 50/50 Web Site


Steve Lloyd
Just took a look at the new web site and must say very impressive! May take a little getting use to, but well worth it.:cool:
We do hope everyone likes the new site. Bill and Rachel Hinegardner worked on this a long time . Bruce Hornstein and his company have spent many hours putting it together. They have done a great job. Kay, Anna and I merely helped get all the final things together. Many thanks to Wilber Harris and Doug Weeter. They played a big part in getting this done. The new site is designed to help the Ranges get their info on site, so let's get your info and news out there.
Gotta say how nice the new site is. Right after the post, went on, looked around, got some targets ordered, nice, fast, pretty much foolproof. Nice job all.
Wayne, Anna and Kaye - The new site looks great! Thanks for your efforts.

New Web Site

Many thanks to to the long time contributors to this web site, especially Doug and Wilbur and the Hindgartners and those who helped. It is indeed a professional looking site and I hope it will encourage many to come back to Milt and Helen's invention. It is quite obvious that a great deal of work and creativity went into this effort. Personally, I'd like to see more contributions to the Gallery. Thanks guys and gals.
Bob Pekaar