Need Advice before breakfast


So I'm doin my usual semi civilizied thing and this chicken shows up.Whatever,I don't really care except the chicken starts hopping up in the van whenever the door is open and I got to grab it and throw it out of there,then it starts following me around( in the yard)and I'm pretty much ignoring it "que sera,sera". So now the chicken starts laying an egg a day on my back porch, I've got like 10 of these big brown eggs in my fridge.
Are they OK to eat or what ? I know this isn't "Farm Country Central" but some of you guys are a little more rural than me( maybe).Should I fry 'em up or what ?
Now thats funny, I don't care who ya are. Now I once lived next to
a single blonde and she had chickens. Yup, eggs all over the place.
Then The rooster woke me at sunrise each day, with his any cock
will do song. This got old fast, but the eggs were good. Then The rooster
ran into a bullet, I know not how. The music ended and so did the eggs.
Now I get up early to evict beavers from my rifle range, the water makes
funny mirage. If I could just shoot all day
Eggs come from chickens, chicken comes from chicken but it's a bit more difficult to get to than the eggs. Brown eggs, white eggs, all work the same.

Oh, and beef comes from those big hairy four legged things that make a "moo" sound too. Milk does too, but only from the cows, not from steers, bulls, or heifers. Do not go into a pasture full of bulls or even with a single bull though, they tend to be, uh, grumpy, and they're a lot faster than they look.

Biology and Food Science 101 is adjourned. :D
free range eggs

those eggs are better than you can by at the store. She's not in a cage eating or drinking medicated anything. Just grit, bugs, and seeds. Eventually she'll go into a molt and quit laying. Bread truck and a pig would come in handy.:D

These guys are bypassing the issue.

You know where that egg came from & what else you get there. Wash the shell off before you put it away.

Now the good bit. Really fresh eggs are delicious, so write the date on each gift & use them oldest first.

Fresh eggs

Hell yes, you can eat them. Just be aware they will not keep as long as store bought eggs but they are tastier, the yolk is a brighter yellow and you aren't eating antibiotics and other crap that goes into commercial eggs.

Lou Baccino

You don't need a rooster to get eggs to eat, but you need a rooster to get fertilized eggs (ones that could hatch later). All store-bought eggs are produced by hens in layer units without the assist of a rooster. I've never ate a fertilized egg, but suppose that it might taste different. If your roosters look like they're having fun with the hens, you might just want to leave them in the hen's nest so they can stay warm and hatch.

I find it interesting that - - -

there are some foods we use and trust without question, Eggs, Bananas, apples, Grapes, etc, etc.
I've never ate a fertilized egg, but suppose that it might taste different.

If you ever crack open a fertilized egg (depending on how old it is) you'll know it. You could find anything from a string of blood to something that slightly resembles a terradactyl. :confused:
New Wind Probe?

Now that you have received your free wind probe you have to take it to the range and put her out at about 35 yards and see how her feathers move.
If things go well move her out to about 75 yds. Now if you are really having a good day using your new wind probe you might like to try out two or three more. I have heard that they face the wind too. :)
Just think about the Super Shoot with 1200 chickens in front of you and then there would be the added advantage of eggs for breakfast. :)
If you ever crack open a fertilized egg (depending on how old it is) you'll know it. You could find anything from a string of blood to something that slightly resembles a terradactyl. :confused:

Finally, someone who's been around aigs!!

Who Me spaketh rightly..... you'll find out when you crack 'em in the pan. I growed up some on a farm and watched my Mom crack each and every egg into a separate bowl for years.

Commercially marketed eggs are 'candled' before sale which means they're passed before a bright light and visually inspected for interior blemishes.

Joel, those should be good eggs to eat and you've gotten good advice regarding storage and usage. Fresh eggs can't really be "bad" or tainted....... I mean they came straight from the chicken's butt right? And they're well sealed. I say crack 'em open and enjoy, but cracking them into a cereal bowl before dumping into the pan will keep you from eating the bloody ones if you're grossed out by blood. Incidentally, commercially grown fertile eggs aren't thrown away......... they're culled and sent off to bakeries. Little hunks of baby chicken aren't even noticed once they're baked into a cake :p but don't let that mess hit the frying pan!!! :eek: The Horror!!!

people shore are funny

Now that you have received your free wind probe you have to take it to the range and put her out at about 35 yards and see how her feathers move.
If things go well move her out to about 75 yds. Now if you are really having a good day using your new wind probe you might like to try out two or three more. I have heard that they face the wind too. :)
Just think about the Super Shoot with 1200 chickens in front of you and then there would be the added advantage of eggs for breakfast. :)

hmmmm...... so you think it's better to stuff 'em onto hunks of rebar or thread 'em onto wires??? Or do you have an idea for building a frame?

Oh Al

Just let them free range. Maybe a hand full of corn thrown when you set up your front rest to be sure. :)
One of the shooters at our matches brings brown eggs in cartons of 12. Each egg has a date written on it.

I told him-I guess your chickens are not unionized cause those that are WONT date them. It is against their contract.
Well, I took the plunge this morning with the "brown bombers" and they were really good.I must say that I never really took the time to "taste" eggs before(I just woofed 'em down)but fearing that I might contract chickenhalitosis or something I slowed down and actually tasted them for a change.
So now that "I ain't scared no more" this is kinda nice.I've got own personal chicken(executives have personal assistants,why can't I have my own personal chicken ?).So I named her Gertrude(it just kinda came to me)and as long as she persists at hopping up into the van,why fight it ? I figure I've got a Bench Rest traveling companion.
So now I'm wondering,being as she really isn't my chicken,am I doing anything illegal ? Chicken napping ?,Interstate transportation of livestock without a license ? There's probably some controlled "feather upholstery law" that I'm not aware of.I'll bet the Canadian Border Patrol could drum up something to detain me for at least a few hours." I'm telling you it's Not-My-Chicken and I have no idea of how it got into my van" !
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Who was it said that the only way to get voted out of Congress was to have sex with barnyard animals?

Check the attitude of your friends & neighbours if she starts to encourage you. )chill(
Have you been drug tested lately, Joel?

Please, Joel. Open the windows when your working with toxic solvents in your basement....
Hade Ashbury is down the road to your left....
Geez... The next thing we will probobly see you wearing at the SS is a plus-size Moo-Moo Mama Cass dress...
Bet Norm Abrahms on this old house doesn't have sniffing solvent fume issues...
Chicken wind indicator

In Wyoming they read the wind speed by the number of times a hen lays the same egg :) nhk
So I'm doin my usual semi civilizied thing and this chicken shows up.Whatever,I don't really care except the chicken starts hopping up in the van whenever the door is open and I got to grab it and throw it out of there,then it starts following me around( in the yard)and I'm pretty much ignoring it "que sera,sera". So now the chicken starts laying an egg a day on my back porch, I've got like 10 of these big brown eggs in my fridge.
Are they OK to eat or what ? I know this isn't "Farm Country Central" but some of you guys are a little more rural than me( maybe).Should I fry 'em up or what ?

Now you start a thread about chikkin' eggs. Where were you last Saturday when Larry Willis nearly ran out of eggs at the Hickory Ground Hog and Egg Shoot???
One more question about this frikkin' chikkin', Joel. Does "it" cluck or does it crow? Sometimes I wonder about your AgriEd knowledge!!!