Need 600yd advise



I shoot a Savage 12FV 1:9 twist .223 zeroed @ 300yds using 69gr Sierra Match bullets off a bipod w/ rear bag. The gun will consistantly shoot 1" groups @ 300yds. I use a wind meter and the ballistics for my load tell me @ 300yds I have 1"/1mph windage correction. So, for any wind up to 10mph, I just hold into the wind by aiming at the appropriate ring. I use an 18x Leupold w/target dot. A local range has 600yd F-class competition every year starting in May. I can make the required elevation changes in the scope for the additional 71" drop, but @ 600yds my card says 4.8"/1mph for windage. Here's my question. Since I can't possibly guess at a 48" hold into, w/ a 10mph wind(one example), how do I set up my windage clicks(3/1mph)? Do I set them for average wind conditions, and then make smaller corrections for wind changes? Is there a good web site with this type info? I don't want to change equipment, and I don't want to look like a goomer in competition. I have only been shooting 3 months after a 35 year layoff.
Here's how I do it

Firstly, I never consider wind in inches. My scope is graduated in Minutes of Angle, so I think in MOA.

Secondly, I only bother with the effects of a 10 moa wind - any other winds, I work out as a fraction or a multiple of a 10 mph wind.

Next, I'm dumb & can't remember everything, so I have a little table stuck to my gun box with the deflections in MOA for wind at different significant angles for each distance I shoot. If you know the 90 degree wind effect, you can calculate it outr for 60, 45, 30 & 15 degrees,

So now, I'm ready to shoot. I check the flags & wind on the wind I think I need for what's showing & fire away. I keep checking the flags to see if they're consistent or changing until my target is marked. I'm particularly interested in checking out if the wind changed from when i set the scope until when I fired.

If there's no apparant change to the flags, I do a full correction on my spotter, otherwise, I might need to do a compromise of original error plus or minus the subsequent change - hopefully not.

When I'm satisifed that I have a good handle on the average wind with my sighters, I will aim off for minor changes (ones I can use my knowledge of the ring spacing on the target) & only correct on the scope if:

A substantial change sets in


The wind is picking up & dropping constantly & in big handfuls (heaven forbid)

In the latter case, I'll hold off each shot if I can, then immediately dial that holdoff onto my scope so that I've centered my fall on those conditions & only have to remember one change on the next shot.

For me, I use a mil dot reticle. A bit coarse but it does the job - prefer a MP8 or similar picket fence reticle.

Your example would be 1 mil dot or appropriate hash mark over. Then I drive based on the ebb and flow of the wind.

If winds are holding steady with slight rise and falls, I MIGHT dial in an adjustment. Still using the reticle to account for slight changes in wind.

Just make sure you rezero your windage before the next relay.

In Canada, wind reading devices are not allowed on the firing line. Not sure how that rule affects you. Learn to read local vegetation or range flags.

Old guy shooters

I have been shooting center fire since '54. I am an older shooter!

Go to the range and find a shooter you like and ask him to help you. I work with lots of new and older shooters.

The technology and shooting today is vastly improved over past years. To get current and not spend a ton of money you need a friend and a mentor. Get active and look of this person.

Which range are you shooting at?

I am in SE Florida.

Where are you.
SE Florida range(s)

Octopus: Your post caught my eye. I see you are near Jupiter, and if you have 600 yd. available, is it "Port Malabar R&P Club"? My son recently joined, and shot the 600 yd. F-Class match on Dec. 28. I'm in SW Pa., but drove to FL in Nov. & we were both able to shoot there, and also Palm Beach Co. Sheriffs range (300). Anyway, if interested: ( shooting since 1960, NRA Life 1965 & Distinguished Pistol '82).
Check your e mail.

The Manatee range is very nice. Check it out.

It would be well worth your while to pick up a copy of 'The Wind Book', 2nd ed. Lots of good info from a variety of world class HP & LR shooters. Strategy, tactics, etc.

I believe Paladin Press is selling it; alternately, try OK Weber (

