NBRSA Nationals-Weighed or thrown charges

Butch Lambert

Active member
At the recently completed record setting NBRSA Nationals, what winners and record holders either weighed ea. charge or went straight from the powder measure?
maybe we can get event managers(?) to add this to the equiptment list..??

anyone listening ?

mike in co

I don't know how many were weighing but there were alot of scales and chargemasters setting around. Benchrest is a process of eliminating things that can go wrong and we had plenty of time to load so why not weigh every charge? I will say this , I bet the man that won the four gun was weighing.

I would imagine that some folks would not shoot well and go to the powder measure, and some would put the measure away and go to previously weighed charges or a Chargemaster (if they had them along) when the rifle went away.
At any rate, I firmly believe temperature (and the associated air density) is the culprit. Gene Beggs has posted tons of info on this condition.
You can tune it out with powder or you can tune it out with a tuner.
I know Lou shot the same load in a variety of conditions, but you still have to battle the atmosphere.....as in density, and that most closely relates to ambient temperature outside the barrel.
I have some 8208xbr on order and will test it well, but I can't imagine a powder that will shoot in all conditions.
By the way, Jackie Schmidt has been a tuner advocate for a long time, yet talks a lot about what to do with the load when the RH drops...........Maybe he will weigh in here about how he juggles the two.
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I know for a fact that Gary Ocock threw all his charges with a bruno powder measure including the agg that he shot using 133 that's a possible world record.
Art Clegg
Tony weighed...Gary O. did not.

Tony was shooting N133 and weighed each charge. Gary was shooting 8208 and did not weigh his charges. I am not sure about Jack Neary, but I believe that he does not weigh each charge. Good shooting...James
Weighed Charges

Gene Bukys says that at big matches, he weighs charges. Aside from his World Championship Win, I suppose the Nationals was his biggest win, setting a record in the LV200...........JACKIE

I tune a barrel with the tuner when I first install it, (with my pet load), and will tweak the load with the powder measure if the air gets so dry that the 133 goes south. I have found that in this situation, the tuner will not tighten the Rifle up.

In fact, I have modified a lot of my thoughs about my tuners. One thing I have discovered is you do have to find what ever the ideal burn rate for a combination is. Then, fine tune it with the tuner.

With the combo I shoot, there is a load node at about 28.8 grns, and another at about 30.4. Usually, the 30.4 works best.

I have tried to just stick, say, 29.4 in the case, and tune it with the tuner. Guess what. It doesn't work. Sure, you can get it pretty good, but the combination of finding that ideal powder charge, then tweeking it with the tuner, seems to give the best results.

I have, at matches, kept the Rifle shooting at a competitive level with the tuner, so I will move it if I think it will help. But, once it is set at a setting that the barrel likes. I try to avoid messing with it.

I am about to make a statement that will probably rile a lot of people. But I think that at the level it takes to win in Benchrest now, you cannot tune a barrel well enough with a tuner alone to stay at the top. I think the tuner aids in maximizing the efforts of the more conventional methods.

Oh, and by the way. Having a great barrel and a batch of great bullets makes all of this much easier........jackie
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As I remember

Gene Bukys says that at big matches, he weighs charges. Aside from his World Championship Win, I suppose the Nationals was his biggest win, setting a record in the LV200...........JACKIE

while signing all the World Record targets and backers, Gene's potential record was in Sporter not LV
