NBRSA Gulf Coat Region Votes on Varmint for Score

jackie schmidt

New member
NBRSA Gulf Coast Region Votes on Varmint for Score

We had our Annual Region Meeting of the Gulf Coast Region Saturday at New Braunfels. We had a lively discussion concerning whether the Region should send our Region Director, Scott Hunter, to the annual BOD meeting with a agenda item to sanction Varmint for Score as a Official NBRSA Class.

The vote was unanimous to indeed send Scott with such a proposal.

Mind you, this is just a proposal. The general consensus of many at our meeting was that Varmint for Score is indeed an extreme accuracy discipline, and there are a good number of shooters who enjoy shooting it. The NBRSA should be looking to the future and the members who would join the organization with the intent to participate in this shooting activity.

It was also speculated that many clubs, who do not hold Registered Group Shoots, would become affiliated with the NBRSA and hold Sanctioned Varmint for Score Events.

Of course, this is just an Agenda Item that Scott will propose on behalf of our Region. It is up to the BOD, and finally the Membership, to see if this is a course that the NBRSA wishes to take.

This has been proposed before, and never go much traction.

Of course, that was 5 years ago. Have things, and attitudes changed? Time will tell.........jackie
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Wording is important

I hope the wording of the proposal is as Gene Bukys suggested.

A Club would have to have Group Matches as well clause should be added to the proposal. This would possibly make the proposal more acceptable to the BOD?

I am only guessing, but maybe this would be voted on favorably if clubs had to offer Group as well as VFS.


The proposal will have to be hashed out, the final wording will probably come out of the second meeting at The Buffalo Shoot in Midland.

The one objection that was raised to requiring the group shoot was Clubs. We have several Clubs, (San Angelo and Austin were mentioned), who would probably come on board for Registered Varmint for Score, but have no interest in holding a group match.

Getting clubs to affiliate with the NBRSA and getting new shooters to join the Organization is the primary focus at this time.

Several shooters stated that they would support this, even though they would probably not participate in Varmint for Score. That shows a willingness of Veteran Group Shooters to recognize that Benchrest is evolving, and the NBRSA should take advantage of the trends and offer Benchrest Shooters this particular Format.

In a post last week, Joe Krupa, (Eastern Region Director), brought up some excellent points. There is a distinct difference in how Group and Score Shooting is approached. The equipment has even evolved to the point where there is specialty items for each. But, make no mistake, which ever you choose to participate in, you still have to have the finest in Benchrest Equipment that represents "The Ultimate in Rifle Accuracy".........jackie
I hope the wording of the proposal is as Gene Bukys suggested.

A Club would have to have Group Matches as well clause should be added to the proposal. This would possibly make the proposal more acceptable to the BOD?

Why would you want to force a club to shoot Group Matches ? Shouldn't that be up to the Club ?

No business being here, but I’ll comment anyway.
Lots of talk lately about adding VFS to NBRSA, zero talk about fixing the decades old broken best-edge scoring method in the process.
How about using a multi-caliber “stepped” scoring plug like they use in air-rifle score, or maybe break the mold and use best edge scoring so varmint calibers have a chance in the “Varmint” FS class?
I can't see how the requirement to hold group matches as well as VFS will help. Having run and helped in both group and score matches I can see a reason for clubs to run only score matches due to the manpower requirements. It takes a bunch more club members to run group matches. It's getting very difficult to get enough people in my club to run a group match properly. There is no chance we would run more that one group match a year. VFS matches could be run much more frequently since it could take fewer personnel. I have run score matches with two club member helpers and had time for me to shoot also.
Elephant in the room

Jackie wrote:
"It was also speculated that many clubs, who do not hold Registered Group Shoots, would become affiliated with the NBRSA and hold Sanctioned Varmint for Score Events"

Why aren't the "speculated" clubs currently affiliated with the IBS and hosting score matches?
I'm not Jackie BUT

Jackie wrote:
"It was also speculated that many clubs, who do not hold Registered Group Shoots, would become affiliated with the NBRSA and hold Sanctioned Varmint for Score Events"

Why aren't the "speculated" clubs currently affiliated with the IBS and hosting score matches?

A friend from a bit south of me told me that a number of the shooters around where he comes from refer to IBS as "Yankey Sons Of Bwords". I believe people who think that way and I suspect there are a good many of them would be in the "Speculated" catagory. :p
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If a club affiliates with the IBS, and holds IBS Matches, that does nothing to enhance the coffers of the NBRSA. As I stated in my originol post, the NBRSA is ignoring a sizable chunk of Extreme Accuracy Shooters that could become paying members.

As of now, we have one club, Denton, that will hold a IBS Varmint for Score event in October.

Why other clubs do not hold Registered IBS Score Matches is a mystery to me. Maybe there is not near the interest as we would like to believe.

As for the scoring thing, perhaps it is time for the Sanctioning Bodies to recognize that the accuracy potential of a Benchrest Rifle demands that what is now an "X" should become a ten, and that 1/2 inch 10 ring should be the nine. The tie breaker could then be the "wipeout"..........jackie

I moved this up, because in all honesty, I posted on behalf of our Region Director, and I would have thought it would have garnered a little more discussion.

That is, unless shooters really do not give a hoot one way or another......jackie

I don't know about the rest of the clubs but we shoot VFS(just started this up in the last year) and group as monthly matches. This Saturday we will hold a VFS shoot and will probably have 7 or 8 shooters. Two weeks ago we held a group shoot and had 7 shooters(would have had 8 but one guy got left off of the email list). We have picked up 2 shooters from VFS that took an interest in group and are now shooting group with us. I think that VFS is a good way to get other gun club members(and visitors also) introduced to accuracy shooting. We used Prairie dog matches to do the same thing but our prairie dog directors is moving and quit doing it. Anything to get people out & interested. We have picked up a few shooters when they come over to see what we are doing. Everybody has to start somewhere. I think VFS in addition to Group can't do anything but help. We don't want this sport dying out in San Angelo or anywhere else for that matter. We can't hold registered Group matches as we don't have a moving backer system or electricity. We are about to get started on switching the range direction and going from 200 yds to out to 500 yds. It will take some time but maybe we can put in electricity and will be able to use moving backers then. I guess if we had moving backers now we could rent a generator and hold a match, but there are so few of us shooters that we would have to be the worker bees and probably not have time to shoot. Just a few random thoughts. Definately enjoyed the scope conversation with you Saturday night.

Dan Batko

"Where are we going and why am I in this basket?"
Jackie If you want opinions concerning Score matches- here's mine. I started shooting benchrest 25 + yrs ago - shooting score and like it better than group. You have to make every shot just right - no chasing that first shot if you miss. I have gone to many matches - drove 300 miles and got a 9 on my first shot and know it is over for me that weekend.
It is easier to hold a score match with no moving backers and it requiers 50% of the help to run a match - versus a group. IBS has developed targets [ black versus red ] and rules that work . We hold score matches and group natches every month in Denton and get 20 -30 shooters. We have the IBS Tex Championship in Oct and I guess we'll see how many shooters like it.
Denton IBS Group/Score shoot..!

Jackie If you want opinions concerning Score matches- here's mine. I started shooting benchrest 25 + yrs ago - shooting score and like it better than group. You have to make every shot just right - no chasing that first shot if you miss. I have gone to many matches - drove 300 miles and got a 9 on my first shot and know it is over for me that weekend.
It is easier to hold a score match with no moving backers and it requiers 50% of the help to run a match - versus a group. IBS has developed targets [ black versus red ] and rules that work . We hold score matches and group natches every month in Denton and get 20 -30 shooters. We have the IBS Tex Championship in Oct and I guess we'll see how many shooters like it.

Yes... Watch'n this thread too with interest Bill.

Really looking forward to the IBS Score/Group 100/200 two day shoot in October...! Gonna be a HOOT:)..!

We had our Annual Region Meeting of the Gulf Coast Region Saturday at New Braunfels. We had a lively discussion concerning whether the Region should send our Region Director, Scott Hunter, to the annual BOD meeting with a agenda item to sanction Varmint for Score as a Official NBRSA Class.

The vote was unanimous to indeed send Scott with such a proposal.

Mind you, this is just a proposal. The general consensus of many at our meeting was that Varmint for Score is indeed an extreme accuracy discipline, and there are a good number of shooters who enjoy shooting it. The NBRSA should be looking to the future and the members who would join the organization with the intent to participate in this shooting activity. ... jackie

I'm all for this one. :cool:

Thanks for taking a stance and proposing something that a lot of folks would enjoy.

Now ... if one of those old stuck-in-the-mud coots tries to nix it, squash him like a bug!

This is the 21st century ... and even the NBRSA needs to move into it, along with the rest of the world. :)
I hope the wording of the proposal is as Gene Bukys suggested.

A Club would have to have Group Matches as well clause should be added to the proposal. This would possibly make the proposal more acceptable to the BOD?

I am only guessing, but maybe this would be voted on favorably if clubs had to offer Group as well as VFS.


sorry thats just dragging in baggage. why ??? the two are not the same, and do not have the same range requirements.
without being rude to anyone...that part of the proposal is stupid.
sorta like some of the past decisions that stifle competition...lets move forward.

sorta like telling every college that has a football team, that they must also have a womens football team....OR THE MEN CANNOT PLAY.
i'm all for more score events....ignoring them is just sticking your heads in the sand.
mike in co

I know Gary very well. His statement was made in the respect that it might be more palatable to the entire BOD if a provision like he mentioned was instated. Sort of negates the old "it will kill group shooting" argument.

Remember, even the tuner rule had some "tweeking" after it was passed. (remember the "no adjusting at the bench" rule).

You have to start somewhere. .............jackie