NBRSA BOD Votes In Varmint For Score

jackie schmidt

New member
Just got a call from Scott Hunter, (our Region Director), The NBRSA Board of Directors voted to establish Varmint for Score as a permanent Registered Shooting Format.

The one change that was voted in that is a little different than the way things have been done is the tie breaker will change from the Creedmore to total wipeouts. In other words, if two shooters tie on numerical score and X count, the winner will be determined by which shooter had the most X's wiped out............jackie
Thank you to the entire Board of Directors and a special thanks to Scott Hunter for your support. Varmint for Score has been a fun addition to the schedule here in the Gulf Coast region. I have shot registered VFS at four different Gulf Coast ranges and have had fun at every one of them. Looking forward to many more years of the same.

I am personally very happy to hear of this news. I only made one varmint shoot this year so far, because of raising a young family, but i do really enjoy the game, and i look forward to shooting many many more matches!! Lee

We can live with the wipeout rule. I don't see much difference either way.

They did a good thing.

If there is enough interest we will hold some VFS shoots at Rachel's Glen. The shooters need to let me know if they're interested.
Great news Jackie; that's the scoring method I've always used so no "do different" here. However, I fear that "Hunter" class participation will fall off greatly. I hope not, but I see this as a real possibility. But...as in all things, time will tell. I've got my 36 Weaver ready to go....

Great news Jackie; that's the scoring method I've always used so no "do different" here. However, I fear that "Hunter" class participation will fall off greatly. I hope not, but I see this as a real possibility. But...as in all things, time will tell. I've got my 36 Weaver ready to go....


Virg, Contrary to some beliefs, the 2 gun aspect of inclusion of VFS in NBRSA Score Competition will be the salvation of Hunter Benchrest shooting. The Two Gun actually spawns diehard Hunter shooters building VFS rifles and shooting both and the Varmint shooters building HBR rifles and shooting both. We all win.

David Halblom
Chairman, NBRSA Score Committee
Virg, Contrary to some beliefs, the 2 gun aspect of inclusion of VFS in NBRSA Score Competition will be the salvation of Hunter Benchrest shooting. The Two Gun actually spawns diehard Hunter shooters building VFS rifles and shooting both and the Varmint shooters building HBR rifles and shooting both. We all win.

David Halblom
Chairman, NBRSA Score Committee

very true, I built a VFS HV FIRST, and wanting to be invovled with the 2 gun format (6x on Sat, VFS on SUN), I went and built a 6x rig, so in truth this format help create a 6x shooter.

that being said not very many group shooters shoot a 6x scope
......the 2 gun aspect of inclusion of VFS in NBRSA Score Competition will be the salvation of Hunter Benchrest shooting. The Two Gun actually spawns diehard Hunter shooters building VFS rifles and shooting both and the Varmint shooters building HBR rifles and shooting both. We all win.

David Halblom
Chairman, NBRSA Score Committee

David, I'm confused. :confused:

- Are you saying that the NBRSA has officially recognized a Two Gun that includes an HBR and VfS gun?

- Or that the NBRSA recognizing VfS gives a club the opportunity to...on their own...to run a Two Gun Score format including both?

I was under the inpression that the only Two Gun Score format the NBRSA was looking at was a combo of a LV and HV gun?

Either way, thumbs up to the NBRSA for adopting VfS. :cool:

Good shootin'. :) -Al
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There has been lots of talk about IBS combining Hunter and Varmint Hunter, eliminating case capacity restrictions. How is that going to play in NBRSA?
Bill, the NBRSA's aim is to reward excellence.........jackie

There were a number of Creedmores at the Vermont State Score Shoot this past weekend. It would be interesting to see how they would have gone if the Wipeout Rule would have been used there.
That's good news. We held 2 Registered VFS shoots in San Angelo, Texas this year. The 1st one in June drew 5 shooters, which slightly disappointed me, but what the heck, it was our 1st Registered shoot. The second one earlier this month drew 9 shooters, so we nearly doubled our attendance. :) We all had a good time and met a few new shooters. I'm hoping for 15 or more at our next ones(2011).
Dan Batko
Match Director
San Angelo
I do not know anything about this Two Gun Thing. Speaking for myself, I have no plans what so ever to compete in HBR.

Perhaps there are those out there that will, it will be up to each individule club, I suppose. If I go to a match where it is combined into a Two Gun Format, I would simply shoot the Varmint for Score portion.

At Tomball, we are planning on holding HBR and Varmint for Score together, but they will be two completly separate things.............jackie
Two Gun

The two gun thing is something we do At Webster City, while not for everybody many attend to shoot 6x on sat (100 and 200yds) and VFS on sunday,(100 and 200yds) some attend just to shoot the 6x class, and some attend to shoot the VFS class, and we all have fun.
For those who do not wish to shoot 6x on Sat just shoot VFS both days, basically attending two matches in one weekend.