NBRSA 1000 yard Nationals

Daryl Kopriva

New member
I talked to Jim Brummerstedt and so far he does not have many entries. Since he getting food, hats, T-shirts etc organized he needs to start getting an idea of attendance. If you are going please contact him.


Daryl Kopriva
hey daryl

is the east west shootout going to be in effect this year? tim in tx
As of right now because of fuel prices and various things going on for Dave and myself, we have decided to not make the trip to Byers. We had been planning making the trip out since we found out it would be back in Byers again. This is the first time him or I will miss the NBRSA Nationals that have been held at Byers in over 8 yrs.
Jim B. and his crew run a good match and we always have a great time there, but money is talking this year. I hate to say that, but it's staring us in the face with cold hard facts right now.

Best of luck to everyone and wish we could be there!


Sorry to hear that you guys will not be making the trip but, alas, I will not be there either. I went to Sacramento in April for the 600 Yard Nationals and it cost me close to $1000. A trip to Byers will be even more expensive since gas is now even higher than it was in CA in April. I'm afraid the future of Long Range Benchrest is going to be permanently impacted by fuel costs.

Maybe our paths will cross somewhere else. :)


Sorry to hear you guys can't make it. Lou and I plan on being there although I haven't registered yet. Let everyone know there is a new High Overall Trophy for the top shooter. Don

P.S. Is there an online entry form?
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Tim I'm not sure although we'll probably work something out. Hope to see you again this year.

Steve it just won't be the same but I understand. I would like to go to Ohio but I'm using up my fuel allowance pretty fast.

Don supposed to be a form on the CRC website but I cannot find it. Do you have fax that I can send you a copy. I'll see about scanning the entry form in and posting.

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Where were you Sunday?
You missed out on some excellent conditions in the HG relay 1.

Any luck yet on getting the registration form scanned?
