Myakka City, FL. , Manatee Gun club IR5050 match

DJB in Wi

New member
There will be a 3 gun, and a 3 card unlimited match this (23rd) Sunday. Sign up starts at 8:AM, and the match will start at 9:AM. Coffee and donuts will be served. Doug
Single digit temps and blowing snow is already here... wish I could make it.
Hey Doug,
You'll be missing the opener, suppose to warm all the way up to 30 degrees on Saturday should be whitetails all over! Woke up to a balmy -4 below last Saturday, and since it was so nice out I just had to take an 8 mile bike ride.

Who wants to shoot rimfire in the warmth when they could shovel snow?...........Can't figure it?

Well good-luck anyway hope that Broughton barrel drives them right in there. Oh, Fred wants to put another 3 groove on his Hall, I mean seriously! Hasn't he and Lou beaten us down enough already!

Took only 3 shots out of the 7lb 270 to get all the comfortable shooting I needed for the day, kicks just slightly more then the Turbo - slightly!

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Hi Evan and Mitch.......Glad to be here and not up there where the weather is just too cold to have much fun. I have been shooting in 80 degree temps and the fish are jumping in the boat. Just doesn't get any better. I will be thinking about you guys while I am pulling the trigger. Stay warm guys. Doug
Hi Evan and Mitch.......Glad to be here and not up there where the weather is just too cold to have much fun. I have been shooting in 80 degree temps and the fish are jumping in the boat. Just doesn't get any better. I will be thinking about you guys while I am pulling the trigger. Stay warm guys. Doug

Doug just got back Wen from Tampa, was floating aroung the Carribean for a few days with a bunch of Jar heads.
Woke up this morning to -11. Nice to have a nice long fall here, winters a coming.
I just bought a sporter so hopefully I will be able to keep all you cheese heads honest.
And what is all of this rebuilding? Mr Bircher will also being playing next year (with new gun)
Well I guess also shot is not all that bad.

Hi dean........Bet you had a great time down here. Hard not to. Just can't understand why you went back to your Siberian weather. You have to be part eskimo. Glad to here you have another sporter. Now all you need is good ammo. Stay warm buddy. Doug
Shoot Today

Fiddler,Arrived at the range at 0730 this morning and it was already 77 degrees and the wind was totally howling, to say the least. To give you a clue, the wind would spin the indicator arm of my windicator 360 degrees during some of the gusts and it would switch in the duration of miliseconds and was completely unforgiving. As Doug would say, " that's why they call them the winds of the Manatee". Anyway, he ran a very smooth match as usual and it was a very enjoyable day on the range. Thanks Doug, Thumper
Thanks Thumper.........Yes it was a tough day. It was one of those days when you really did not know where your bullet would hit after pulling the trigger. I try to keep everyone happy, and with a good bunch of shooters, it makes my job a lot easier. Thanks. Doug