My Wife is a very lucky person

Congrats Butch!! There is nothing more special in life than a good women and it sounds like you have one. I also have one, and we are going on 13 years. 50 years, now thats special!!! Better do something nice for her!! Lee
Congrats Butch. She MUST be a special woman to put up with you for that many years. May God continue to bless the both of you for years to come.............
You are a lucky person

Butch - that is wonderful. Nothing better that being married to a good woman. Enjoy the day.

Congrats to both of you, 50 yrs. is a long time to be together. I hope ya'll have a great day and many more years with the health to enjoy them.
Fantastic, you prove the American Ideal.

There is nothing better.

Good On Ya!

Congratulations Butch.

Marilyn and I just celebrated our 40th. I hope we can make it to 50.

Why do I have a feeling that we both "married up"........jackie
Thanks Guys, I still hope I get lucky tonight! She is a special lady. She doesn't count my rifles and I don't count her shoes.
I have no idea how to start a post so ill start here. im looking for a .22 cal remington 40x barrel. would anyone know where i could find one? my number is 970 554 1638 or message me please. id appreciate any leads. thank you!
Congratulations Butch
To both you and your wife, hope you have a bunch more.
Congratulations Mr. Lambert, hope you have many more!
Lily & I have been married for 17 years now, we have two lovely children Lionel (16) & Michelle (15). Like your wife, Lily is a special lady... I never count her shoes or bags, but she does count my

Way to go Butch. They always said, it takes two to make one work. Dorothy & I celebrated our 53rd while in Hawaii. Going for 54. Again, congradulations. We are indeed a rare breed.
good on you and the wife. Congratulations. (I got about 2 1/2 yrs to make that)

Going on 56 years, I do my rifles, pistols and hunting, she does her quilting, community activities and the one important thing I've learned is............HAPPY WIFE=HAPPY LIFE!
Stay well and enjoy, Butch'
That's wonderful. Well done to both of you Butch.

Nedra and I celebrated our 43rd this past week. We've had the occasional tough going, but some how we always manage to work together and come out the other side holding hands.

TheoW has step 2 figured out. Step 1 is to pick the right woman.


PS: A guy I knew at work was standing by the copy machine lamenting his 4th divorce, and how intractable women were in general. After 5 minutes of listening to the rantings of an adult attention deficit petulant brat, I was tired of listening to it, so I said, "I think I know the problem. I know what all 4 of your wives had in common." He asked "What?" I replied "You." And headed back to my office.

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The empty nest ain't bad, but I do like them kinda close. You are right Ted and so are you Fitch. It has been a great weekend.