Muller 8 groove


New member
Just looking for any opinions on this type barrel. I am aware that Mr Calfees opinion is that they are the future. I have one but my shilen is shooting well. Not sure its worth my time to have it chambered. Looking for opinions from people who own one.
Joey, I'd go ahead & get it chambered myself. It might be "the one"! I haven't heard much about them myself & haven't knowingly seen one shoot yet so I can't help ya.
They seem to be like hen's teeth so I'd at least hang on to it until the Shilen starts to fade.
If you decide not to hang on to it please let me know. I'll try anything!:cool:
Actually I bought two. Sold one to my best friend. As to how pure luck. I just called a dealer and he happened to have them. He just doesn't advertise when he gets them.
I been trying to get one for at least two years. I'm on a list
but I guess that don't mean too much? thanks, douglas