More new Events:

Pete Wass

Well-known member
Capitol City, Maine will offer some ARA events in the coming summer. They will be held on Tuesday evening. Hopefully we will draw enough shooters to make it happen. We thought it analogous to a Bowling League, if you will. We'll see how it goes. Once we exceeded the number of Unlimited 50/50 matches we could hold, we were left lacking. No point in shooting for bragging rights at the club level we thought. Many of our shooters don't travel so we want to give them more events.


Pete Wass

Pete, glad to hear of the extra events...I think
How many ARA events are you expecting to have?
Also I assume the evening 50/50 matches will continue?
With the cost of ammo the way it is it will determine how much shooting I'll do. The added events at CC are certainly welcomed but.....
Yes, on the IR 50/50

Pete, glad to hear of the extra events...I think
How many ARA events are you expecting to have?
Also I assume the evening 50/50 matches will continue?
With the cost of ammo the way it is it will determine how much shooting I'll do. The added events at CC are certainly welcomed but.....

we will run a full schedule of IR 50/50 events and the ARA as well Keith. I understand about the ammo. I hope to find some more killer Center-X again this year.

computor scoring

Pete, will we be using whatever computer scoring that the ARA has now? If not then wouldn't our scores not "count" nationally?
Personally I like the system we have now but....just sayin'

just went to the ARA site & the targets can be scored manually so I guess it doesn't matter. Still curious though how you'll do it.
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I can see where ARA could be popular in Capitol City, fewer pesky rules to learn and follow. Sorry, but you still won't be allowed to wind painter's tape around your sporter barrels for vibration control, if you choose to shoot ARA sporter.


Oh, ARA also requires a command to "insert bolts" to begin the firing period, same as IR50/50.
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Can't be helped I guess

I can see where ARA could be popular in Capitol City, fewer pesky rules to learn and follow. Sorry, but you still won't be allowed to wind painter's tape around your sporter barrels for vibration control, if you choose to shoot ARA sporter.


Oh, ARA also requires a command to "insert bolts" to begin the firing period, same as IR50/50.

but the Rimfire Orgs should catch up with the rest of the Benchrsest and or Rifle World and call the line like the others do, that way, folks who shoot in more than one discipline wouldn't make mistakes. A rifle without a bolt in it can not shoot anyone. One wouldn't ever hear the command "Insert Bolts at a Military range, for instance or an IBS competition. Somehow they manage to get through the day. Anyone who can't figure out they need a bolt to shoot their rifle mebby shouldn't be there in the first place eh?

I've shot at a lot of places over the years and found that the rules being strictly adhered to is rare, regardless of which discipline it was. In my opinion, most people do not actually know the rules very well so it is not uncommon for rules to be forgotten. I think folks who can't be a bit forgiving of people being human should listen to one or more of the self help folks on TV and take to heart what they are trying to teach.

ARA seems to be a lot more forgiving in its rules. I guess they realize that folks spend a lot of money to get to an event, ergo an easier going attitude.

ARA seems to be a lot more forgiving in its rules. I guess they realize that folks spend a lot of money to get to an event, ergo an easier going attitude.


There is no place for an "easier going attitude" when it comes to gun safety. Talk to anybody involved with safety they'll talk about that "easy going attitude" being the number one issue in industrial accidents.

When things get lax leaving guns on the line is just one step closer to leaving guns on the line with a bolt in it. Break that chain and you'll NEVER have that problem.
>>I think folks who can't be a bit forgiving of people being human should listen to one or more of the self help folks on TV and take to heart what they are trying to teach.<<

Pete, anybody can make a mistake, but when that mistake is pointed out usually there's a quick apology and the mistake is corrected. Forgetting to call "insert bolts" is no big deal, I've done it myself, but usually there is some aware shooter who'll point out my minor omission, whereby, we just start over and everybody's blood pressure stays nice and low.

Now, not every match director knows every rule, but they probably should make their best effort to know and understand them. I would have thought that after all your travels and shooting at different ranges you would have noticed that nowhere else did shooters have painters tape wrapped strategically around the barrels of their sporters. Someone as experienced and knowledgeable about our sport as yourself, might have wondered why that was and looked at that pesky little rule book.
Becaue I knew

>>I think folks who can't be a bit forgiving of people being human should listen to one or more of the self help folks on TV and take to heart what they are trying to teach.<<

Pete, anybody can make a mistake, but when that mistake is pointed out usually there's a quick apology and the mistake is corrected. Forgetting to call "insert bolts" is no big deal, I've done it myself, but usually there is some aware shooter who'll point out my minor omission, whereby, we just start over and everybody's blood pressure stays nice and low.

Now, not every match director knows every rule, but they probably should make their best effort to know and understand them. I would have thought that after all your travels and shooting at different ranges you would have noticed that nowhere else did shooters have painters tape wrapped strategically around the barrels of their sporters. Someone as experienced and knowledgeable about our sport as yourself, might have wondered why that was and looked at that pesky little rule book.

the tape did nothing in the way of tuning. It did ruffle a lot of feathers however. The rifle shot no different without the tape, you might have noticed. If I had thought the tape might have remotely had an influence, I would made him remove it before I did. I knew better, is the point. In my view, allowing the lump of metal to be present on the end of a Sporter barrel is nothing more than sanctioning a tuner anyway so who are we kidding here?

So, if, in your expert opinion, an illegal alteration to a sporter barrel has no apparent effect, then it's ok. One has to wonder why it was placed there in the first place, if someone didn't think it would have some positive effect. Maybe someone thought blue painter's tape wrapped around a sporter barrel at several different spots on the barrel looked pretty. As a match director, is it really your place to only enforce those rules that you happen to agree with or think valid? I guess you think it is. It's almost enough to question what else goes on up there in Capitol City. What other rules do you choose to ignore because you don't see the merit of them? Hopefully Wayne Wills is paying attention to this thread so that he can learn from you exactly what rules we all should ignore. Ya got any more? Enlighten us.
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>>I think folks who can't be a bit forgiving of people being human should listen to one or more of the self help folks on TV and take to heart what they are trying to teach.<<

Pete, anybody can make a mistake, but when that mistake is pointed out usually there's a quick apology and the mistake is corrected. Forgetting to call "insert bolts" is no big deal, I've done it myself, but usually there is some aware shooter who'll point out my minor omission, whereby, we just start over and everybody's blood pressure stays nice and low.

Now, not every match director knows every rule, but they probably should make their best effort to know and understand them. I would have thought that after all your travels and shooting at different ranges you would have noticed that nowhere else did shooters have painters tape wrapped strategically around the barrels of their sporters. Someone as experienced and knowledgeable about our sport as yourself, might have wondered why that was and looked at that pesky little rule book.

It was the manner in which you brought it to his attention that he took exception to. You're fully aware of that Bill.
Feel fortunate he didn't insert your bolt for ya'
It was the manner in which you brought it to his attention that he took exception to. You're fully aware of that Bill.
Feel fortunate he didn't insert your bolt for ya'

Now that would have been service above and beyond. I wasn't expecting that kind of service, I just wanted to see the rules enforced. I guess up in Capitol City, them's fightin' words. Do you award style points up there too?
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It wasn't up to you

Now that would have been service above and beyond. I wasn't expecting that kind of service, I just wanted to see the rules enforced. I guess up in Capitol City, them's fightin' words. Do you award style points up there too?

It was up to me and you should have spoken to me privately instead of acting like you owned IR 50/50.

It was up to me and you should have spoken to me privately instead of acting like you owned IR 50/50.


So, if the match director wants to ignore the rules (or just doesn't know them) then the shooters are to just sit quietly and say to themselves "oh well, it's up to him"? I did speak to you privately about the illegal tape on the sporters and it was removed. I also spoke to you privately after you mistakenly awarded me the 2 gun yards win, because you didn't know how to resolve a tie. And actually, it's the referees that decide equipment eligibility and handle protests, not the rangemaster/match director.

If insisting that IR50/50 rules be enforced at a State match is perceived by you as "acting as if you owned IR50/50" then I guess that says more about your state of mind than mine. I would suggest that your statements here about choosing to enforce only those rules that you see as relevant, and your last minute attempt to change the date of the meters event, without notifying or getting the approval of Bill H, would indicate that you were the one acting like you owned IR50/50.
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So, if, in your expert opinion, an illegal alteration to a sporter barrel has no apparent effect, then it's ok. One has to wonder why it was placed there in the first place, if someone didn't think it would have some positive effect. Maybe someone thought blue painter's tape wrapped around a sporter barrel at several different spots on the barrel looked pretty. As a match director, is it really your place to only enforce those rules that you happen to agree with or think valid? I guess you think it is. It's almost enough to question what else goes on up there in Capitol City. What other rules do you choose to ignore because you don't see the merit of them? Hopefully Wayne Wills is paying attention to this thread so that he can learn from you exactly what rules we all should ignore. Ya got any more? Enlighten us.

Did it ever occur to you that people do things to simply annoy others? Well, some do - - - -. BTW, I think you are on the loosing side of this one Bill. If I were you, I'd let it go - - -
Did it ever occur to you that people do things to simply annoy others? Well, some do - - - -. BTW, I think you are on the loosing side of this one Bill. If I were you, I'd let it go - - -

I believe this would be referred to as irony.