More N133 testing


I have been doing some more testing of N133 in my 6ppc barrels over a chronograph and have found some interesting results. Some of you may remember my test I ran in the practice days leading up to the Cactus Classic involving several different lots of N133 in the barrel I used for the competition. Well, I'm on a new (well, newer anyway) barrel and just got a new lot of N133 so I thought it time to run another test.

All info comes from an Oehler 35 chrono on a 4' rod placed 10' from the muzzle and all aspects of the testing were kept as controlled as possible. The Harrells powder measure was in the shade during charging and the powder was kept in the shade for hours before and during testing. I did no sifting of powder or anything "extreme" like that. But I did make sure I used the same cases and made sure that all the powder had been tapped out of the case before throwing a new lot into it and I settled each lot of powder into the hopper before throwing any charges.

Temp was 63 degrees and it rained off and on most of the day. The Harrells setting for the whole experiment was 52.5 clicks. Fed 205 used throughout and 220 russian fireformed Lapua brass.

Anyhoo, the four lots tested were as follows:
14906 30-1-2007
14906 1-2-2007 (may be the same as the lot above but I thought I would test it anyway)
306/99 28-09-1999
and the newest lot of 28708 23-9-2008

So I will lay out the order of the information in the order of the list above.

First lot (14906 30-1-2007:
extreme spread 31 fps
average 3344 fps
standard deviation 15 fps
Weights of thrown powder measured on RCBS Chargemaster: 28.5, 28.5, 28.6,28.5 grains for average of 28.52 grains

Second lot:
extreme spread 28 fps
average 3307 fps
standard d. 14 fps
Weights: 28.6, 28.4, 28.6, 28.6 grains for average of 28.55 grains

Third lot:
extreme spread 27 fps
average 3311
standard d. 14
Weights: 28.6, 28.5, 28.4, 28.6 grains for average of 28.52 grains

Fourth lot (the new stuff)
extreme spread 17 fps
average 3233 fps
standard d. 8 f ps
Weights: 28.3, 28.2, 28.3, 28.2 grains for average of 28.25 grains

Then to check to see if this new lot was really that much different than the others, we fired this stuff in another gun which also was a 13.5" twist Krieger and it confirmed what my gun said. The new lot of 2008 N133 is definitely bulkier and won't throw to the same charge as the others. But not only that, but when the charge was increased to 53, it was slower still than it should have been in comparison only achieving 3313 fps from 3292 with 52.5 clicks in my friend's gun. The pressure curve that was seen in the other powders showed around a 35 to 40 fps increase with every half number on the Harrells and this new stuff was only going up 21 fps. But the good news: The new stuff still shoot darn good. It actually shot smaller groups than the 1999 lot did. But none of them were bad. All the lots of N133 shot in the ones. But the 2008 shot the tightest still. It's just slow. But who cares? It works anyway.

3 out of the 4 lots of N133 were darn close to each other despite their 8 year difference. The last lot was a bit different but still shot fine.

On a side note, every powder threw a slightly lighter charge on the first throw if the powder was not settled into the hopper by lightly tapping the handle a few times. Just good to know. I always tap the powder but even then I still use the first charge or two as my foulers.;)
Incidentally, the charges that were .1 grain or .2 grains off the average still went into the same hole.:)
This weekend we will be shooting the nationals in HV 100 and 200 here in Finland. I will try to keep an eye on what lots are mostly in use and also try to find out if anybody have come up with some similar conclusions. Thanks for testing, facts are always welcome. I have recently tested the 2008 lot according only to precision. I won´t tell You the results before I´ve been able to buy all I can find of that lot.;);)
Jim are you bored?


What the heck is going on in Utah? Thanks for the test but you have way too much time on your hands > you need to come out here to CA and join in on some of the shooting and stop wasting that good 133!
I have 133. T-32, 8208 and I can't get any of it to work! Whats up with that?

Hope to see you again soon,

Marty in CA

What the heck is going on in Utah? Thanks for the test but you have way too much time on your hands > you need to come out here to CA and join in on some of the shooting and stop wasting that good 133!
I have 133. T-32, 8208 and I can't get any of it to work! Whats up with that?

Hope to see you again soon,

Marty in CA

Hi Marty. I'm itchin for a match but it's looking like the next one I can get to will be Logan at the end of this month. I was really wanting to head to Reno for the long range match coming up but time is looking tight so I don't know. Are you heading to Reno?

It sounds like you are well supplied with powder! I wish I had some 8208 or T but I guess I'll have to make do with N133. Hey, incidentally, that new batch of N133 was what I used in Colorado. If you can get some, snag it!
This weekend we will be shooting the nationals in HV 100 and 200 here in Finland. I will try to keep an eye on what lots are mostly in use and also try to find out if anybody have come up with some similar conclusions. Thanks for testing, facts are always welcome. I have recently tested the 2008 lot according only to precision. I won´t tell You the results before I´ve been able to buy all I can find of that lot.;);)

Yes, please let us know how the match goes! It will be interesting.
Jackie is right

Its not so much the powder, however, it is important to apply the correct amount. I do have a good barrel but I am saving it > I don't know what for!
Thanks Jackie

My brother and I are going to Reno, I'm excited, I've never shot 300 before. Hope you can make it. We would be willing to share our room with you no charge, we could bring in a roll a way. We are staying at the Silver Legacy. This weekend is Sacramento > might get some thunder!


Oh Jim > I put my new Bruno's 5 off and my new barrel seems to like them > I had to reduce the powder charge, we'll see how it goes this weekend.
Its not so much the powder, however, it is important to apply the correct amount. I do have a good barrel but I am saving it > I don't know what for!
Thanks Jackie

My brother and I are going to Reno, I'm excited, I've never shot 300 before. Hope you can make it. We would be willing to share our room with you no charge, we could bring in a roll a way. We are staying at the Silver Legacy. This weekend is Sacramento > might get some thunder!


Oh Jim > I put my new Bruno's 5 off and my new barrel seems to like them > I had to reduce the powder charge, we'll see how it goes this weekend.

Good to hear the Bruno's are showing promise.
And good luck in Sac this weekend. Take no prisoners!:mad:
If I go to Reno, I might just take you up on that offer. Thanks for the invite.

I ended up mid pack at Sac > tune was good, it was all me not shooting that well.

If you think you might make it to Reno e-mail me at and I will give you my cell.

Looks like there will be a good turnout at Reno.

Hope you can make it.

I ended up mid pack at Sac > tune was good, it was all me not shooting that well.

If you think you might make it to Reno e-mail me at and I will give you my cell.

Looks like there will be a good turnout at Reno.

Hope you can make it.


Well mid pack is better than the bottom. I'm glad you got the tune worked out.

As for Reno, it looks like I'm sunk. We'll catch you at another match.;) Good luck in the biggest little city in the world!
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Sorry, I´ve been pretty busy prepairing for the WBC 10.
As far as I could figure out there were lots from 2005 to 2008. Nobody who I asked seemed to have any clear preferences about what could be certainly good or bad. One must also take into consideration that the V-powders are manufactured "next door" so we seldom buy more than we need for the moment. Though, there has been times when we have not been able to find anything for sale. I think this is because our domestic market for V-133 is so small (few benchresters) that the different lots sometimes goes straight for export to countries with bigger demands. But as You have seen , even in the US You cant get Your domestic primers.
My believe in the 2008 lots is still strong, during this training session that I have gone through I have shot a lot of zeroes and low ones, but I have to admit that I have also done it with some other lots. So at the moment it seems as anything goes well. Honestly I think it is my new "hummerbarrel" that is the reason. After WBC 10 I might be wiser because there we will be shooting with a powder that I have never tried before.
Talking about primers. At our nationals last weekend I got hands on some Russian primers. They do perform as well as any other I have tried. If I could find a source to buy them through at a good price I would kiss the Federals goodbye:p The price on US primers has gone up quite a bit, the quality has not.
By mid-july I might know some more worth to tell, unless this forum has been shut down by those who can´t stand competing shooters;)
Thanks Finnshooter. That is some interesting info. I think I'm switching primers too once my platinum/gold made Federals run out. I can only take so much gouging.

It was a fun shoot. I shot better running the Bruno's 5 off with both 133 and some T-32! Thanks for the help.
When I looked at the equipment list all the top four were shooting 8208!
300 yards in the wind is nothing short of crazy fun! I was doing pretty good up until I posted a 2.7 inch gem, however, in the same match there were 3 shooters with 5 inch plus!!!!! Wow.
Happy Shooting.
