Mid-Cont Standings


This is where everybody stands after shooting both HV and LV at Luther.
Sporter is coming up next weekend at Mill Creek to finish out the 3-gun Championship. Good luck to all.

Richard Brensing


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Thanks Rich...!

Well John,

Were both right "there" again....!:D;)

Copied this info

I took the liberty to copy these standings to the NBRSA site/Mid-Continent.

If anyone wishes to post regional information on the NBRSA site, I suppose your director would gladly supply the credentials.

Does anyone have the standings they could post on 2009 Mid-Cont Regional HV-LV-sporter finals to finish out the 3-gun Championship?
How were the conditions at mill creek?

Glenn B.
The top 5 in the regionals are

Mike Ratigan
Rex Reneau
Darrell Loker
Richard Brensing
Dewayne Stafford

I don't have the aggs in front of me. Conditions were switchy, 5-10 mph.

Richard Brensing