I see lots of solutions that assume the problem doesn't have to be fixed, right now, but I've shot on a couple of nice ranges during a match where the bench top was loose...Worse than that, really..more like the top was on bearing, or something. Once was even at at national championship match!
That day, the bench bit me pretty bad. I don't fault anyone but myself, because I caught it being loose before I started shooting.
Conditions were horrible! In fact, it was when hurricane Ike came from the gulf(I think), all the way to the Great Lakes. We were shooting 200 yards in 35-40mph winds, and it was somewhat switchy. I simply got caught up in the condition and forgot all about the bench top being loose. It was "part of the game" that you aren't suppose to have to deal with...but it is what it is. I mentioned it to the match director then, and he apologized, stating that the range crew had checked them but it must have been missed. The way I saw it then and now, is that I knew it, and knew that if I did my part, it wouldn't matter. I just didn't do my part.
I fired the last two shots at record bulls after sighters and had a HOF shooter, Harley Baker over my shoulder watching. Both record shots went low and left....mostly left...and against the condition. I think it was on the last shot, Harley said, "it wasn't the condition!" I knew that, unfortunately.
That's when I remembered the loose top.
Poor gun handling is what cost me those two shots! If I'd remembered the loose top, which I DID on some of those record shots...on the last two...I probably wouldn't have gotten lazy behind the gun, and it wouldn't have mattered that the top was loose....but I did get lazy, and I did forget about the top...and it cost me. It was a tough day, to say the least. The conditions certainly contributed to my tunnel vision and lack of focus, but it was me that was to blame.
My point is, no, the bench issue should not be an issue...but if you handle the gun right, it's no excuse. You just have to pay particular attention to every detail where gun handling is concerned.