Method of working up a load.....your thoughts.


New member
I have been given good info on current reading material on the subject, but........
Its not winter and im not waiting for a book to get sent out and read at this point in the season. So..... 100-200yd benchrest, 6ppc ,65gr barts HPBT,n133 or h322.
The mix between powder load and neck tension is where im lost . One has effect on the other as I understand.
How is this mix sorted out in finding a grouping load ?
Can you recommend a starting load ? Neck Tension ? and how to progress the search?
Were im at currently I have found N-133 @ 29.2gr and .001 neck tension with even squares on the bullet into the lands starts to tighten up the group.(lower loads bigger groups) The bolt handel operation opening i get the little click but extracts fine and no pressure signs on case/primer. This is hot "for me" Im use to H-322 at lower pressures shooting good/ok.
I shoot only club matches and Im not sure if I want to smoke my cases with packing in the n133 to get "there". This is why Im wondering about the interaction of power charge/neck tesnion. Drop the powder down and squeeze the neck tighter ?
With the N-133 I usually find a node somewhere in the 29.0 and 29.4 range. Vihtavouri likes neck tension, so I use a .257 neck sizing die for a .262 neck.
You got the sweet spot, Vern. Temp 50-80 degrees. 40-80% humidity.....
Hottenstein 68, Berger 68 Bt, Bart 65, any bullet 60-70 grain. Neck case thickness .0081". .257" bushing.
Seating depth Jam to -.015".
Do the Tony method of shooting a load matrix. After you find the best load(s) then you may squeeze a little more accuracy with neck tension but not much.

Like Lawrence said above, with V133 use a pretty good amount of neck tension (about medium), of other powders most have basic tensions they like, for example, 4198 just enough to hold the bullet.

I judge neck tension by, light, medium, and heavy. Light tension, I can seat the bullet with a Wilson style seater with just thumb pressure. Medium tension I need to use the heel of my hand. Heavy tension you need the arbor press to move the bullet down the neck.
Do the Tony method of shooting a load matrix. After you find the best load(s) then you may squeeze a little more accuracy with neck tension but not much.

Like Lawrence said above, with V133 use a pretty good amount of neck tension (about medium), of other powders most have basic tensions they like, for example, 4198 just enough to hold the bullet.

I judge neck tension by, light, medium, and heavy. Light tension, I can seat the bullet with a Wilson style seater with just thumb pressure. Medium tension I need to use the heel of my hand. Heavy tension you need the arbor press to move the bullet down the neck.

Jerry. I like that last part. Heard some folks use the thumb method.