Mecosta Co. Rod and Gun Club


mike worthingto

Wellll here we go ! The first Match at MCRGC on April 24th, sign in at 8AM and the match starts at 9AM! We only have 5 benches so if you are going to attend I would like a call or an e-mail.I will run 3 relays if need be but I don't see 15 shooters showing up but we can always hope!!!:D This is a real nice range with concrete covered benches and hope to see some great scores.They do have a website and I think a there is a map. If you need help Call me!

Mike Worthington

Nienow and I will be there Mike.

Shot there today - nice place - like shooting in a cave - trees on both sides - 5 benches wide, little windy today though.

Mike even had the press there today - running an article on his first match. Hopefully it will bring new shooters to the bench.

Thanks - Mike

ARA is 22 rimfire only. You can look at the rules for ARA at the ARA site here on benchrest Cental. Come on out Saturday or give me a call.

Mike Worthington
Congrats on getting the media out.

Have you ever sponsored a 'Media/Legislators Day'?
Id like to sometime invite local legs, Carl and Debbie and several US Reps, Jennifer et al. They wont come but make em say "no thanks" if theyd put the thanks on it.

Anyone in other parts of the country do that??

Sorry for the hijack but saw the media mentioned and couldnt resist.
Zeke Jennings our local newspaper sports editor , had ask for some ideas on local sports stories . I sent him an e-mail but didn't hear from him for a week. I wrote it off as being a shooting sport little known around this area and having to do with guns would not suit our local newspaper(known to be pretty liberal). I was really surprised to get a call from Mr. Jennings (never met him before) that he was interested and would meet me at our club on Wednesday morning.He knew absolutely nothing about our sport but did a real good job writing his article.I think he was pretty impressed with the equipment we were using. He missed a few points that could have been covered and but on the whole I thought he did a good job! I have 2 e-mails that are showing some interest.I don't know if they seen the paper or might have read the club news letter our club puts out every month. I just hop we can gain a shooter or two.Sometimes you just have to :D

UP here at The Soo . . .

We have a good relationship with our local newspaper. The Sunday Edition editor is the daughter-in-law of one of our members.
SHE CALLS ME: Asking about our upcoming events.

Last year she have 6 stories on us. Two of them on the front page of the Sunday Edition, with pictures in color. This kind of promotion really helps to promote our sport. I don't think our local media is anti-gun: They are Pro-Gun. But then, we live in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, were we have more deer than people.

I think our biggest problem is US: We as club officers get pretty busy running the matches. We don't take the extra time needed to write news released about our matches.

Of course it helps when the sports editor calls YOU.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)