McKeesport Sportsmen's Association - IR 50/50 3-Gun Match Results 10/03/2021


Today we closed our 2021 season with a 3-Gun match. We had to dodge a few, scattered rain drops but the winds were uncharacteristically calm which led to some fantastic scores.

Tony Harper shot a 3-Gun Aggregate score of 750(60X). If confirmed by IR5050 officials, this will be a new world record for Outdoor, 3-Gun Aggregate Yards. The previous record of 750(59X) was set 21 years ago by Harry Deneen. Keep checking the Records tab on IR5050.COM for the final determination.

See the attached file for all of today's scores.

I'd like to thank all of our shooters for another great season. See you all in 2022!!!

Dave Zosack


  • Match Results 10-03-2021.pdf
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