May 24th 1000yd Match at Byers



A blustery Colorado Spring day greeted the shooters at the Colorado Rifle Club for the May 1000yd match. The wind was 12-24 mph from the South (behind the shooters) for the early part of the 1st relay and then it got really windy for the second relay. In spite of the wind several of the shooters put some really good results up.

The shoot-out winners were:

Light Gun Group J. Howsden 11.901
Light gun Score G. Tompkins 45
Heavy Gun Group B. Schrader 11.184
Heavy Gun Score J. Brummerstedt 72

The next event will be the Colorado State Championship on June 27-28.


  • 1000yd Match at Colorado Rifle Club in Byers - May 24 2009.xls
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  • May 24 2009 1000yd Shoot Off Winners at CRC in Byers.jpg
    May 24 2009 1000yd Shoot Off Winners at CRC in Byers.jpg
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