Match at the ROCK 3-28-09

steve stanley

Well-known member
OK folks, there is a 100 yd score match this saturday at the ROCK( RCGC) start time 10am. Bob and Jeff are taking the reins this time and after the fine job they did last month I'm sure things will run great. Come on out and play with us, I'm sure the ROCK will serve up the usual creampuff conditions she is famous for. I think Bob said food would be provided also so come shoot, we always have fun and the folks here are great, the food and the fellowship are worth the trip. See ya there, Steve
Well folks,a lot of people stayed home today( scared by the weatherman I guess) but we had great conditions for those that came. It misted rain some and really light winds, best conditions I have ever seen on the range for a match and I heard Dennis Brame say he had seen it that good a couple times in the past 20 some years but never for a match, I think the Rock must have seen my post on the creampuff conditions and decided to deliver some. We had 11 VFS shooters and 3 factory shooters. I won the VFS part w 250-21x( blind hog thing)Dale Avery was 2nd w 250-17x and Butch Mays was 3rd w 250-14x. Rex Norton won factory class w 245-9x and Heath Packer was 2nd w 242-5x. These guys were shooting those hot shooting savages I believe, very good scores for factory guns, good shooting. The match ran real smooth and we were done by noon so as to beat the storms that were suppose to come in this afternoon. Everyone chowed down on chilli and naner pudding supplied by Bob, it was good( some folks said it was a little warm for them) but not for me. Thanks to Bob and Jeff for putting on the match, we had fun. They are having another match the end of April, Bob will post details later. Good shooting everyone and see ya at the range, Steve
Congrats Steve

I thought about heading down, but with the race in Martinsville this weekend, couldn't find a hotel...

Hope you guys at the Rock decide to make it a monthly thing year round! Many thanks to Roy and all the folks involved in running the matches...ALWAYS lots of fun regardless of how I shoot!

Lots of good shooting today......


Bob, Dennis, and I would like to thank everyone who came out.
new shooters

This was the first match for #4 Doug Flowers and #1 factory Rex Norton. Both guys came with me and HFV from the Whiteville area. I believe that they are hooked now. I just want them to see how they do next time when there is no cream puff conditions. As always we were welcomed by a crowd of good fellows and had a great time. I can't wait to do it again.
Thanks guys, the Rock was extremely kind yesterday, I'm sure she will make us pay. Cuz'n Roy and William doubled on a shot and it cost both a point and some other folks got caught with some strange stuff and took the pressure off me and let me get the win. Heath, you and Rex shot really well with those factory guns, obviously the guns are shooting well and ya'll did a good job of driving them. These club matches have recruited several new shooters to the ranks, my buddy Johnny left the Rock with light pockets and most of Cuz'n Roy's stuff yesterday, so he is officially now infected with this disease and I hope he enjoys it as much as I have. See ya at the range, Steve ps Blackcreek shoots next Sat.
Thanks guys, the Rock was extremely kind yesterday, I'm sure she will make us pay. Cuz'n Roy and William doubled on a shot and it cost both a point and some other folks got caught with some strange stuff and took the pressure off me and let me get the win. Heath, you and Rex shot really well with those factory guns, obviously the guns are shooting well and ya'll did a good job of driving them. These club matches have recruited several new shooters to the ranks, my buddy Johnny left the Rock with light pockets and most of Cuz'n Roy's stuff yesterday, so he is officially now infected with this disease and I hope he enjoys it as much as I have. See ya at the range, Steve ps Blackcreek shoots next Sat.

Oh crap, I guess that means there's gonna be two of ya to worry about now. Just like old times;)...Is Mark ever gonna come out of retirement???
Congrats Steve. Good shooting! You were right about the weather keeping folks away. David & I didn't decide until about 9 Fri. nite we were not going to try it. Just curious,what target did you use? Roy always threw in a curve. Did the new match director do the same?
Don Ross
yes, we used the same targets as before and no plugs also, if it didn't touch you didn't get it. I had 2 more x's that would have plugged but I'm sure everyone else did also. Hal, Johnny picked up some good equipment and he is eager to learn, I think he will be tough with a little more experience, he seems to be a quick study. As for Mark, I just don't know, no one misses him more than me at the matches and I hope he will start back. See ya at Blackcreek, Steve
Never Again

:mad:Well guys, I really enjoyed shooting, but Saturday was my last match. I would love to come back but that would mean banning another shooter. I would never do that. That guy Flowers, Daisys, Dandelions or whom ever he is, used his Panda and beat my worn out 40x. Now my eyes are red from crying and my ears are hurting and burning from him saying , "I told you so " and "you ain't/can't gonna ever beat this Panda. Woe is me. It's been fun for the last 24 years. Thank you and good night
My eyes were about to fall out of my head trying to figure out the scores until I noticed that the first column was a warm up :eek:

Good shooting guys.