Match at Dublin


ron collins

Whats the word?? Are there goind to be any IBS Score shoots this year.

So far Mike Rippey, Frank Parker, and myself, with help from Wayne Lewis, have the backer system finished, and I got approval from the Board Of Directors to hold the matches. Gloria Lewis has volunteered to score the matches that Wayne attends. David Dumas has expressed the willingness to put on one match along with Frank Parker.

As of now, no one has actually taken the bull by the horns, and committed to Match Director for a specific date. That is where we are at present. The club will have to register matches, and post at least 30 days in advance, so until someone makes that firm commitment we are at an impasse. I guess that makes me the villain in this, as I have been hesitant to make the next move, but I was Match Director at the last registered match here, and I don't want to do it this time :eek:(plus I have been having a bit of trouble with my foot, and don't know if I would even be able to do the walking and standing necessary). I will, of course, give any assistance that I can to anyone who will commit.

It would also help to know who would be interested in shooting these matches from the standpoint of determining the viability of this venture. I have had to personally guarantee that the club will not lose money on holding registered matches, so if they do not at least break even...............well you get the picture :(;). It also would spell the end of any future matches at Dublin, so I want to be as sure as possible that they will work this time. I guess this is sort of a microcosm of the trouble Benchrest in general is experiencing today.

Jim will you explain what the duties and responsebilities of the Match Director are?
Jim will you explain what the duties and responsebilities of the Match Director are?

I don't know that there is an actual list of duties. Basically the Match Director is in charge of being sure that everything gets done that is necessary to hold a match (and according to IBS, is responsible for getting potential record targets to the Records Committee). This does not mean that the Match Director has to do everything himself, but he does have to be sure that it gets done.

Some shooters do not consider what has been done BEFORE the match in order for things to work on match day, but things like ordering targets and trophies, checking on the Range Officer, Scorer, and target crew, arranging for the meal (if included), and being sure that the results are reported in a timely manner are necessary. If these tasks are divided between several individuals there is much less work for a single person to do, and that is what I hope we can achieve in Dublin.

I will act as liaison with the Board Of Directors (including being sure that the targets get ordered), and I will see that the results get reported to the proper places. We have a scorer (thank you Gloria Lewis :)). I can also order the trophies, if someone will pick them up in Dublin. That essentially leaves being responsible for the Range Officer and target crew, the meal, and registration (plus the other match day details) to the Match Director.

One possibility is to have some matches in conjunction with the monthly club matches (second Saturday of the month). This would reduce the work of setting the frames, and doing the targets for the 100 yard agg, plus take care of registration. The club matches are 7 minutes instead of 10, but we can post that on the schedule if we want to go this route. The Georgia State Match should probably be a stand-alone match however. I would like to see us do a couple of matches in addition to the Georgia State, but we will do whatever the shooters are interested in.

I hope that we can generate more interest in these matches, but right now no one seems willing to take the next step necessary to firm up scheduling. Come on gentlemen, let's give a little something back to the sport we love !!!!!! Let's make this thing work :D.


Mabey what we need to do is what they are doing up in Kentucky on there
yearly $$ match .. is to have folks that are going to be there post there name
on this forum. With the understanding if they put there name on the list that they are responsible for the match fees, even if they dont show. It is not fair that you would have to cover the range fees on an agreement with Dublin folks. But I am sure that the regulars that are in this area will be there. And I am sure that we would like another place to shoot like Dublin.
We are down to just two ranges to shoot now that are close. What do you think?? Lets make a list.... I will help with the running the targets, or what ever. If willing to help put down what you can help with. All of us we can make this work.

1. Ron Collins - Targets
2. ??
3. ??
4. ??
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Dublin matches

Jim, I can pick up the trophies in Dublin at the matches I attend.

Holding our matches in conjunction with their club matches is a viable option in that the schedule is already pretty much set , as well as the reasons you have already stated. I have no qualms about shooting 7 minute matches. A separate match for the Georgia States would probably be a good idea. I would be willing to be match director for a match, but I very probly would require "some coaching up" from my friend, the SSOY!!

I think there is enough interest in this to generate enough help. But also, I think some guys are like me and Jazzy; not quite sure how to go about this.

Just a thought: Can you find out what the dollar amount we (IBS) shooters would need to guarantee the club? If you can: wait until match day,see how many shooters we have, and have every shooter pay an equal amount to meet that guarantee. I would be willing to "put in a couple extra bucks" for a match fee if that is what it takes to get this done.

Dublin has a darn good range. We need to utilize it!!!
Maybe I am being a little pesamistic here but it does look like registered matches will not happen at Dublin this year. My main attempt here is to keep this thread active and provide some ideas and resons for folks being hesitant to volunteer.
As those at Dublin know most of the folks that will shoot these matches live more than 125 miles from the range and work full time jobs. Most of them are not in a position where they can take off work or go to Dublin a few days in advance to perform the encurred duties. Additionally some of those that will attend have physical limitations such as being unable to set up target frames.
You mentioned holding these in conjunction with monthly club matches. I think that is a good idea. However let me add a couple of thoughts here. Instead of cutting time to 7 minutes ask the club if they are willing to extend to 10 minutes.
Another suggestion would be to shoot both 100 and 200 yards to make this like all other registered matches. As I have heard many time folks don't want to drive that far for just one yardage.
I would like to see folks that have put on matches at other ranges chime in here. It seems that if these matches are going to happen it will take more involvement by club members that live closer to the range. This may require4 setting the match fees at a point that the club can make a few dollars.
This is all just food for thought I am not trying to throw a wet blanket on this effort.
Maybe I am being a little pesamistic here but it does look like registered matches will not happen at Dublin this year. My main attempt here is to keep this thread active and provide some ideas and resons for folks being hesitant to volunteer.
As those at Dublin know most of the folks that will shoot these matches live more than 125 miles from the range and work full time jobs. Most of them are not in a position where they can take off work or go to Dublin a few days in advance to perform the encurred duties. Additionally some of those that will attend have physical limitations such as being unable to set up target frames.
You mentioned holding these in conjunction with monthly club matches. I think that is a good idea. However let me add a couple of thoughts here. Instead of cutting time to 7 minutes ask the club if they are willing to extend to 10 minutes.
Another suggestion would be to shoot both 100 and 200 yards to make this like all other registered matches. As I have heard many time folks don't want to drive that far for just one yardage.
I would like to see folks that have put on matches at other ranges chime in here. It seems that if these matches are going to happen it will take more involvement by club members that live closer to the range. This may require4 setting the match fees at a point that the club can make a few dollars.
This is all just food for thought I am not trying to throw a wet blanket on this effort.

Just to clear up a few points, first, these will be 100-200 Grand Agg matches. That was the reason for the backer system. If held in conjunction with a club match, the club shooters will leave after the 100 yard stage, so the IBS shooters would need to bring the target frames in after the completion of 200 yards in the afternoon.

Second, there hopefully will not be a necessity to go to the range during the week. I will ensure that the targets are there, trophies are ordered, etc. We should be able to get the scoring done by Gloria, or if she does not attend, the lady who scores the club matches. The trophies could be shipped to someone who will be attending the match if no one is planning to go to Dublin on the Friday before the match. Alternatively, I could go up early for the Board meeting on the first Tuesday of the month of the match, and pick up the trophies.

There are no shooters who live near Dublin that shoot IBS. I am about the closest, unless some of the club shooters decide to shoot registered matches, and I am almost an hour from there. I will do ALL that I can to relieve the Match Director of many things that he would normally have to do.

Lunches can be as simple as furnishing a couple of burgers and soft drink as Elberton did last year, or grilling burgers or hot dogs as Palmetto did.

The club matches are unfortunately not going to change from 7 minutes, and that is the reason that having the registered match in conjunction with the club match is not set in stone. I think the Board of Directors will give some assistance with the stand-alone Georgia State Match. I have informed the board that this will not be a big money maker for the club, and they are all right with this as long as the club does not lose money.

As I see it at present, the Match Director will mainly need to be responsible for registration, and finding or being the Range Officer for the match he volunteers for. Most of the other responsibilities can be delegated to other IBS shooters, and a couple of the club shooters have expressed a willingness to help with some matches.

It really comes down to whether there is any interest in having these matches. If we are only going to have 5 shooters show up, I don't see that it would be economically feasible to hold them. I can't afford to assume more financial responsibility than I already have if no one else expresses interest in participating :eek:. If any other shooters are planning to participate, PLEASE let someone know so that we can go forward with this.

And as indicated earlier, I will also attend those matches and as I come pre-loaded, I can help with other functions as time permits.

Some friends and I heard about shoots in Dublin, we all live near Savannah. If there is a date in mind I could try to round 3 or 4 guys up. We specifically were looking for long range stuff but we all love shooting at any distance really.

Jim, Ronnie Long has also expressed an interest in the Dublin matches.
Forgive my ignorance folks, but it's a big world and in order to follow this thread I'm curious whether we're talking about "Dublin" California, Ireland, Georgia, North Carolina, Texas or some other "Dublin".
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That would be Dublin, Georgia, based upon the reply from Savannah. . .