Mark Harpenau wins the Okla St 3 and 4 gun


We had nice conditions for the Luther match. A light breeze that was mildly switchy.
Mark has been shooting well and he showed us how to get it done.
Glen Chism drove up from TX to see if Luther was as tough as some say it is. Glad you came Glen!

John asked me to post that there will NOT be an October match after all. He could not get the dates he needed.

Anyway, congrats to Mark for a job well done.


I am back from a very humbling experience at Luther,Okla this past weekend. I just had to see for myself, what everybody described as the Range from Hades. The good part was, getting to meet, for the first time, some of the competitors that frequently attend matches at this range. The list is kinda like who’s who in the Benchrest community.

Hall Of Famer,Rex Reneau kept us entertained all weekend long with his stories about past experiences in the Sport of Benchrest Competition. Rex started shooting benchrest way back in 1974. He’s got a few stories to tell.

Thanks fo John Dumas and crew, for all the work put into making it all possible. I intend to try my luck at Luther, at a future match.

Luther was tough, for an average shooter like me to figure out, but if it was easy, it wouldn’t
be fun.

I shot on a bench next to Dewayne Stafford. I noticed that he did not put up wind flags. Dewayne is a regular shooter at Luther. He stated that he has never put up wind flags at Luther.

Dewayne finished 4th out of twenty in Heavy Varmint. Go Figure. Maybe I should be talking to Dewayne. Dwayne said it was the Loker tuner.

Thanks to Richard and John for the invitation to a benchrest baptism at Luther,Okla.

I will be back.

Mark shot good all weekend. REAL good for a guy that drives a Dodge. I might have to get me one! All kidding aside, good job Mark. Glen, it was good to see you again. Just think, if I wasn't there you would have had to shoot next to Mike Cordes. You're welcome.
Dennis Martin,,,,, where do I start. 1st it is a RAM not a Dodge. 2nd if you would use the provided facilities I wouldn’t have rust spots on my truck, 3rd truly enjoy the banter. Great sport, great people.
Mark should be drug tested. He's onto something. Like a Hawaiian Volcano, he's been building for a while then erupted last year in STL and has kept going. Congrats, dude, you smoked another one.

Glenn, Dewayne puts dog whistles on his neighbor's flags. He's the only one who can hear them!

Thanks Richard!
Mark, you are right about great sport and great people. You really are shooting well. Next time we shoot Luther I'm going to get a bench next to you so I can learn something. And it will be closer to the facilities!