Many Thanks from Mark Trutt

Mark Trutt

New member
I cannot Thank Everyone enough for the huge amounts of generousity,
work, time, talent, patience, selflessness, and committment by crew and shooters alike who made it possible to pulloff the IBS Nats. in Weikert.

I wish i could name each and everyone but i know they did not do any of it for self recocognition. They did it for the love of they're sport, fellow shooters, friends, sons or daughters, club, or just to keep shooting alive.
I am humbled by the folks who came through for us. I am in they're dedt.

I was impressed by the quality of character of the overwhelming majority
of shooters. From accepting they're fate with rains shots (during a several minute monsoon) to owning up to a crossfire that cost heavily in the results,
to a DQ that after a long week of shooting, (we hated to have to penalize)
was so easy to see how it could happen, but was accepted with true grace.

The great folks that i was able to spend time with and those that i wish
i could have spent more time with and the folks who gave a good word
at times when i really needed it, will not be forgotten.

I and We at Union County, are extremely blessed with the great friends
we have made through the years and can't wait to see you all again.

Mark Trutt
It is the IBS shooters that owe Union County Benchrest a thank you.The few IBS ranges that were capable of holding a National event( Canastota for one), were incapable of mustering the manpower to pull it off,while some other "big time" ultra-managed for profit ranges didn't want to be bothered by the IBS minions. " If not for you,then who? "
You, your family ,and your friends, made this happen. The whole IBS brotherhood knows it and appreciates it ! We will support all future shoots at Weikirt because you have been there over the years to support us. That's what family does.
Come on up to Canastota for the 2-300's this weekend if you can. The workin's on us. The shootin's for you.We got some gourmet grillin' planned.


You and your team put on a quality shoot. The range and other facilities are top notch. Thanks for putting it all together.

Try to make it to Canastota this weekend for the 200/300 Nat. Hope to see you there.

Thanks, Bob