Manatee VFS


Dwight St. Romain
Just a reminder for you Florida guys that the monthly VFS match at the Manatee gun club is this Sunday. We will shoot both yardages and start shooting at 9 am.
Everyone is welcome, heck if you have a hot shooting rifle of any type, come on down and we will fit you in and let you get a taste of competitive BR, watch out though you might like it!
Don, you know it's summertime in Florida, thunder, lightning, high winds and 2 inches of rain can always be around the corner. What I like best though is when the sun comes out afterwards, temps. hit 94 and humidity pegs the needle, now keep your load in tune!
Oh good. I was worried the weather might be as bad as we've been having in South Florida

Watch out! I'm bringing my new Borden Tuner. First time Ive used one, but everyone says it's so easy even a ********** can use it.