Manatee IR5050 match Sunday

DJB in Wi

New member
We will be having our April match this Sunday 4-27. Sign up starts at 8AM and the match will start at 9AM............Most all snow birds have headed back north, and because of this, the Manatee Gun Club, Myakka City Fl. (sad to say) will not have another IR5050 match till late November. Hope you can come out and shoot with us. Doug
Hello Doug, I plan to be at Manatee Sunday, for your last IR 50/50 match of the snowbird season. I built my Sporter over a year ago and have yet to test it in a sanctioned match. Have family staying in Venice, whom I plan to visit after the match, before they head north. John
Hi John....that is great! It will be nice to be able to shoot with you again. Coffee and donuts will be available. Doug