Lynn, what's going on?



Lately you seem to be very active in gathering all the infos. 187BIB's, 13-13.5" twists, action weights?, tunners, breaks etc.
Are you out to break a World Record in a Light gun or what? I hope you do.

Shoot better

I took 3 weeks off and planned to do very well at the recent NBRSA 600 Yard Nationals.If you look at the results you will see I finished well back in the pack.Dissapointed doesn't begin to describe the situation as I basicaly shot myself in the foot after thinking this was going to be a very good match for myself.

I ordered up two new actions(mine on 5-16-08) and 3 new barrels and plan on doing a little more long distance testing.I want all top notch equipment.I also tested mainly at 100 yards and the 600 yard results were disappointing.In heavygun class I made a mistake on my first target and that ended all of my chances at placing well.Before that match my heavygun was shooting extremely well and we have another match in 2 weeks were I will try a little bit harder to not make any stupid mistakes.

Not being a quitter I have been doing alot of testing to see were I went wrong.Not being able to read the wind like Jerry Tierney is a definite handicap but hopefully as time moves on I will be learning how better to accomplish that task.

On the tuners I have been working on them for 3 years and they are really something else.At 100,200 yards I wouldn't own a gun without one.At 600 yards we aren't able to shoot a bunch of shots in order to make adjustments so we have to use what worked best in testing.Now with the Bill Calfee inspired fixed muzzle weight they may be better suited to the longrange game.Hopefully I will get one working that doesn't need adjusting and my match record will improve.If not I can always use them for point blank shooting.
Lynn just for your sake

I hope that you do better than you plan, if not, take one more week off and do some long range hunting instead.

Shoot well